小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.30, pp.3-50, 2004-07

In the story of Jataka 316, a hare jumps into fire to offer his own body as broiled meat. This is a story of extreme self-sacrifice. The hare does this extreme act in order to satisfy a condition for becoming a buddha. This story was transmitted to Japan and adapted as konjakumonogatari-shu(今昔物語集) 5.13. However, its keystone has changed. The Japanese hare is not interested in becoming a buddha. Instead, the hare aims to acquire makoto-no-kokoro (誠ノ心 sincere heart): one who is possessed of it is said to defer his own profit to the interest of others.


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兎が火に飛び込む話の日本版 : 他のヴァージョンにはない発想と筋運び https://t.co/sVe9eCFUO7
兎が火に飛び込む話の日本版 : 他のヴァージョンにはない発想と筋運び https://t.co/sVe9eCFUO7
兎が火に飛び込む話の日本版 : 他のヴァージョンにはない発想と筋運び https://t.co/sVe9eCFUO7
兎が火に飛び込む話の日本版 : 他のヴァージョンにはない発想と筋運び https://t.co/sVe9eCFUO7
兎が火に飛び込む話の日本版 : 他のヴァージョンにはない発想と筋運び https://t.co/sVe9eCFUO7

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