細井 浩志
活水論文集. 人間関係学科編 (ISSN:13482580)
vol.46, pp.147-160, 2003-03-31

Rikujinsen (六壬占) is the most important divine method of Onmyodo (Onyodo, 陰陽道). However, its procedures are very complicated. So, to elucidate this divine method, I decoded the divinity of omens which occurred in ISE-Shrine (伊勢神宮) placed on "Honchoseiki (本朝世紀)" article in NINPYO (仁平) 1(1151)/6/27 with the Rikujinsen text "Senjiryakketsu (占事略決)" written by ABE-no-Seimei (安倍晴明), the famous Onmyoji (陰陽師). In addtion, I pointed out two probabilities: BO (戌) ・ KI (己) which are sometimes substituted by HEI (丙) ・ TEI (丁), not only positions on Chiban (地盤), the ground plate of Shikiban (式盤), a Rikujinsen tool, but also the character of Gogyo (五行), five fundamental factors of cosmos in Chinese natural philosophy, and Kika (季夏) sometimes means June, sometimes means DOYO (土用) or the last summer season, distinguished from other summer time.


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@KeiyaTakahashi この論文です>六壬占法の一手順に関する覚書 : 『本朝世紀』仁平元年(1151)6月27日条の伊勢神宮怪異占文について http://t.co/ETHGVVKl

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