飯山 悟 山口 陽 都甲 潔
近畿大学九州工学部研究報告. 理工学編 (ISSN:0288738X)
vol.25, pp.15-19, 1996-12-01

In mixtures of substances with different taste qualities, the components can still be recognized but are usually perceived as less intense than when unmixed. Responses of electric potential in an artificial lipid-membrane to several taste substances such as HCl, quinine and NaCl were investigated. In the presense of another taste substance, responses of membrane potential to each taste substance were suppressed markedly. Pretreatment of the membrane with anesthetic tetracaine or bitter substance quinine also suppressed the response to quinine, HCl and NaCl; the suppression could be attributed to adsorption of tetracaine or quinine to the membrane.


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難問ですから、中々回答がつきませんでしたね。 医師ではないのですが、あなたの症状に興味があったので調べてみました。 まず、「ナーザルスキット」の有効成分は: ・テトラヒドロゾリン塩酸塩=局所血管収縮剤で鼻の充血や腫れをとる ・クロルフェニラミンマレイン酸=抗ヒスタミン剤(くしゃみや鼻汁、気道や喉のはれや炎症、皮膚のかゆみ、目の炎症などのアレルギー症状を抑える) ・リドカイ ...

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