津田 右子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.3, no.1, pp.8-26, 2001-09

日本の近代的な看護教育は,ナイチンゲールによって発展させられた一つの専門職として職業化された近代看護が日本に導入され,いわゆるTrained Nurse(正式な看護婦)としての誕生をみた時を出発点としている。これは西洋看護教育(ナイチンゲール方式)の導入と言うことも出来る。そして,草創期とは,このような看護婦養成が開始された明治18年を基点に,主に明治20年代をさしている。ここでは,1.有志共立東京病院看護婦教育所,2.京都看病婦学校,3.桜井女学校付属看護婦養成所,4.帝国大学付属看病法練習科,5.日本赤十字社看護婦養成所,6.聖路加病院附属高等看護婦養成所の6校を対象にとりあげ、近代看護教育の草創期に関わった人々の資料や当時の卒業生の声を集めて,その教育観をまとめた。(英文抄録:Modern training of nurses in Japan commences with the appearance of the qualified nurse following the introduction of modern nursing as a profession along the lines developed by Florence Nightingale. This may be characterised as the introducion of Western-style nurses' training by the Nightingale method. The pioneering days of nursing in Japan thus begin in 1885 and continue throughout most of the last decade of the nineteenth century. The present paper concentrates on six schools, namely Yushi Kyoritsu Tokyo Byoin Kangofu Kyoikusho [Yushi Kyoritsu Tokyo Hospital Nurses' Training Institute], Kyoto Kangofu Gakko [Kyoto Nurses' School], Sakurai Jogakko Kangofu Yoseisho [Sakurai Girls' School Nurses' Training Institute], Teikoku Daigaku Fuzoku Kanbyoko Renshuka [Imperial University Nursing Practice Department], Nihon Sekijujisha Kangofu Yoseisho [Japan Red Cross Nurses' Training Institute] and Sei Ruka Byoin Koto Kangofu Yoseisho [St Luke's Hospital Higher Nurses' Training Institute]. It sifts through materials on the people who contributed to the pioneering days of modern nurses' training in Japan and listens to the voices of the young women who were trained in these schools in an attempt to build up a picture of the educational philosophy of the age.)


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