黒崎 征佑
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.9, no.2, pp.53-58, 1997-12-28

It was just after the WW 2 that Japanese farmers were compelled to deliver rice to the State. But they were against it because of the end of the WW 2. They were reluctant to do so even in the WW 2. Such consciousness spread out over Japan at once. The State, which GHQ supported, forced to do so. And riots arose at last. The riots seemed to spread out and last some years. But these riots and disturbances declined immediately. Why they happened ?


教えて!goo (1 users, 2 posts)

これはやはり、本で調べるのがいいでしょう。 以下のような本が参考になりそうです。 中西宏次『戦争のなかの京都』 http://www.honyaclub.com/shop/g/g12662955/ 森田敏彦『犬たちも戦争にいった』 http://www.honyaclub.com/shop/g/g16270980/ 田中仁『ボクらの村にも戦争があった』 http://ww ...
これはやはり、本で調べるのがいいでしょう。 以下のような本が参考になりそうです。 中西宏次『戦争のなかの京都』 http://www.honyaclub.com/shop/g/g12662955/ 森田敏彦『犬たちも戦争にいった』 http://www.honyaclub.com/shop/g/g16270980/ 田中仁『ボクらの村にも戦争があった』 http://ww ...

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