細江 光
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編 (ISSN:1347121X)
vol.39, pp.11A-54A, 2003-03-18

Sojin Kamiyama, one of the key figures in the creation of the modern Japanese theatre, was a friend of Junichiro Tanizaki throughout his lifetime. He is also known as one of the few Japanese actors who performed in Hollywood silent films in the 1920s. However, his life has not been sufficiently studied ; his fellowship with Junichiro Tanizaki has not been fully investigated either. This paper presents his personal history based on various data, information and interviews with members of his family.Sojin Kamiyama, one of the key figures in the creation of the modern Japanese theatre, was a friend of Junichiro Tanizaki throughout his lifetime. He is also known as one of the few Japanese actors who performed in Hollywood silent films in the 1920s. However, his life has not been sufficiently studied ; his fellowship with Junichiro Tanizaki has not been fully investigated either. This paper presents his personal history based on various data, information and interviews with members of his family.


OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

二次情報に過ぎませんが、下記年譜稿によりますと、 大正9(1920)年5月4日付『都新聞』記事に 「…呎画(ふいるむ)製作…」とルビが振られていた様子が伺えますので、 あて字としての「ふいるむ(フィルム)」も候補の一つにはなるかと思います。 〇「上山草人年譜稿(三):谷先(※崎)潤一郎との交友を中心に/細江光」 『甲南女子大学研究紀要.文学・文化編39/2003-03-18』(11A ...

Wikipedia (3 pages, 6 posts, 3 contributors)

編集者: Benichan
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