飯塚 浩一
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.65, pp.122-136, 1996

The "Information society studies" suggest the coming of the society that information is more important for the production of goods and services, rather than working hours and capital. Besides it makes indices which characterise the information society, demonstrates the emergence of the new society by the use of those indices, and proposes the information policies based on that demonstration. However, the age of the, "information society" is described to be the end of the social development history, and there are many problems-what is information? what is the difference between information and knowledge? what is the value of information? etc.-which have not been solved. Accordingly I would like to deal with the "socio-information studies", which investigate the relationship between the change of the social structure and the "socio-information" which is not the measurable thing, but the "social discourse" which acquire the specific historical meaning in a society. In addition, I am taking a fresh look at the media studies of Marshall McLuhan, who was a Canadian scholar of English literature and studied the social change from the viewpoint of the philosophy of technology, and am considering the possibility of McLuhan's work as the approach of the "socio-information studies".


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