三浦 太郎
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.38, pp.393-401, 1998-03-26

In the Edo period, among Japanese people who went abroad there were some who were keen about the difference between Western and Japanese libraries. Okataro Morita created the word "Shojaku-kwan (or Shoseki-kwan)" in order to express huge scale of the Western library. Then Seiryu Ichikawa used the word to give expression to a new library which would be open to the public and overcome the limit of the previous Japanese governmental library, Momijiyama Bunko, whose use had been restricted to the tycoon as a rule. The idea "Open to the public" was realized in 1875 when the Tokyo Shoseki-kwan was established as a free public library.


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文久元年5月22日(1861年6月29日)、森田岡太郎(森田清行)が死去。万延元年遣米使節団に勘定方として随行した幕臣で、三浦太郎「"書籍館"の誕生」(『東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』38)曰く、「書籍館」という言葉を最初に使い始めた(「図書館」という言葉の誕生前)。 https://t.co/ZKWL77vSXE

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