中澤 渉
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.40, pp.47-58, 2001-03-15

The high school admission by school recommendation is extended into all prefectures in Japan except Osaka and Gumma now. But there is no research on the impact of the recommendation system on junior high school students. This paper focuses on the impact by making a survey of their action at Saitama Prefecture. The recommendation system aims at evaluating the students by "Kosei (individuality)". Because Japanese selection system has been criticized by making too much of scholarship and making light of other good points. "Kosei" means "outstanding" or "prominent" in this context. According to this survey, the more excellent academic records he (she) has, the more outstanding he (she) is considered. The recommendation system is advantageous to the students who have excellent academic records after all. And the recommendation system increases the points of evaluation. A student who wants to go to the college-minded high school has a lot of hurdles to survive the competition. On the other hand, a student who doesn't want to go to the college-minded high school can avoid serious competition. Thus, the gap in scholarship between the two kinds of students will extend in the long run.


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