遠原 大地 後藤 玲子 伊東 弘樹 森 一生 鳥越 繁治 中川 辰二 因泥 栄一郎 武山 正治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.4, pp.255-260, 2004-04-10
2 2

We developed a support system for pharmaceutical counseling services using a handheld computer loaded with HS-WIN. HS-WIN is standard software for pharmaceutical counseling services that is compatible with Windows X-P, 2000 and 98. Our support system is linked to the pharmacy network system of Oita University Hospital. It enables various kinds of information to be retrieved from the pharmacy network system and shown on the display of a handheld computer. This includes drug information, names, sex, birth dates, heights and weights of patients as well as clinical department and ward-related information. The handheld computers are the VAIO PCG-U 1 and PCG-U 3 (SONY, Inc.) and they are used at the bedside. To evaluate the effectiveness of our system,we measured the time required for the management of medication histories and patient counseling records for three wards.The system was able to reduce the time required per patient by an average of 34 minutes.


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こんな論文どうですか? 携帯端末を用いた薬剤管理指導業務(遠原大地ほか),2004 http://id.CiNii.jp/E4veL
こんな論文どうですか? 携帯端末を用いた薬剤管理指導業務,2004 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001171520

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