三宅 敢 中田 未知 高西 陽一 石川 謙 渡辺 順次 竹添 秀男 Lee C. H. 山本 隆一
no.2002, pp.317-318, 2002-10-09

If the bent-core molecules exhibit nematic phases, they could have biaxiality due to their molecular shapes. Recently a liquid crystal material containing a thiazole unit as a central core was synthesized and found to exhibit an interesting nematic phase. Under an optical microscope, the Schlieren textures were observed in the nematic phase of a homeotropically aligned cell. In the nematic phase range, we observed a spontaneous orientational change associated with characteristic texture changes, which may provide the information of the nature of the nematic phase. Two reflections were observed at a small angle corresponding to a layer periodicity even in the nematic phase, suggesting the existence of a cybotactic formation of the layer structure. In aligned samples, each peak splits into two. Based on these experimental observations, the possible existence of the biaxial nematic phase will be discussed.


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教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

やはりコレステリックと同じく、光学補償フィルムではないでしょうか? 地道に、応物や液晶学会誌をめくってみてください。 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001482085/

OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

やはりコレステリックと同じく、光学補償フィルムではないでしょうか? 地道に、応物や液晶学会誌をめくってみてください。 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001482085/

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