沖津 進
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.35, no.1, pp.113-121, 1985-03-30

OKITSU Susumu (Dept. Biosystem Management, Div. Env. Conservation, Grad. School of Env. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo). 1985. Consideration on vegetational zonation based on the establishment process of a Pinus pumila zone in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Jap. J. Ecool., 35 : 113-121. The characteristic features and process of establishment of the Pinus pumila zone in Japanese high mountains were explained, and their ecological significance was discussed in relation to that of the vegetational zones, including both vertical and horizontal ones. The P. pumila zone is a unique vegetational zone which is not an extension of the forest zone regarded as the timberline ecotone, nor is it dependent on the Kira's Warmth Index 15. The P. pumila community invades into high mountain areas, which are forest areas under thermal conditions but become deforested by strong winds and heavy snows in winter, and finally, extends into the areas and forms the P. pumila zone there. The horizontal counterpart of this zone is the Larix dahurica forest zone in eastern Siberia, and P. pumila is presumed to have been a remnant element of L. dahurica forest in the Last Ice Age, and to have established its own vertical zone in high mountain areas of Japan after the last Ice Age.


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Hさんとの会話から。日本の山に高山帯は無い。U学芸員から沖津を教わった。ハイマツ帯は亜高山帯。ハイマツの成因に高度要素は間接的でしかない。直接的には風と雪。そして永久凍土時代の名残。 http://t.co/AOtD6rp5xR 沖津は他にもいろいろ面白い。
@shiretokogenpyo 日本の山に高山帯はない。じゃハイマツは?亜高山帯。えーそんなー。http://t.co/AOtD6rp5xR U学芸員に教えてもらった論文。面白いよ。時間あるときに読んでみて。

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