伊佐治 久道 杉田 久志
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.47, no.2, pp.121-129, 1997

The removal of fallen seeds of Aesculus turbinata was investigated by simple marking methods. In order to clarify the agent animals, an experiment was carried out to examine the sizes of the animals using a set of netted cages with different-sized apertures, together with wood mouse censuses. Current-year seedlings were found on the upper part of the slopes than the upper front line of the crowns of A. turbinata, where no seeds had fallen in the previous autumn. Of the total fallen seeds, 96% were removed from their original location and then disappeared by the end of autumn. Line marking revealed that the mean interval for transportation was 12 days, and that the mean and maximum transportation distances for non-missing seeds were 0.61 m and 2.11 m, respectively, although the lines of most of marked seeds had been cut and the seeds were missing. The maximum distance from the original location to the missing point was 6.45 m, and seeds were buried in cases of 31.5% of transportation. The agent animals were assumed to be small enough to allow them to pass through as aperture size of less than 40 mm but more than 16 mm. Feeding signs on seeds, and droppings found around seeds, seemed to be those of wood mice. The mouse censuses showed that Apodemus speciosus and A. argenteus were dominant. Thus, it is concluded that fallen seeds of A. turbinata were transported through the scatter-hoarding behavior of wood mice, mainly A. speciosus.


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「小動物による重力落下後のトチノキ種子の運搬」 http://t.co/d6LjXanY
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