岡部 宏行
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.11, no.1, pp.27-32, 1963-03-30

Purpose : The purposes of this study are, first, to treat unbalanced diet of children by Image-association method, and secondly, to form experimentally unbalanced diet of adults who show aversion of the milk, remove it and investigate the effect of the Image-association method and Post hypnotic suggestion. Procedure : According to this purpose the following process is taken (1) The children who have unbalanced diet were selected by means of a check list for unbalanced diet of children and treatment was given only to ten children who wanted it, by Image inducing method, Amnesia method, Direct suggestion method, Motion picture method, Age regression method, Inducing dream method and so on. (2) a. Two boy and three girl students of a college, who liked milk and were not recognized to have unbalanced diet, were selected. Everyday they were led to hypnotism half an hour and by the Image-association method and Post hypnotic-suggestion the negative attitude against milk was formed. Only after examination it was removed. b. Two boy students of a college were selected who liked milk and were not recognized to have unbalanced diet. Their dislike of milk was formed through negative suggestion and they were left as they were in order to see the process of natural removement of the suggestion. Results : (1) During this investigation period, eight children out of ten received complete treatment. By investigation six months later one out of the ten returned to the former state. Therefore the treatment percentage reduced to 70%. The difference between the experimental group and the control group was significant. (2) a. After giving the students negative suggestion for the third time it became just impossible for them to drink the milk. Even after the third time by giving removing suggestion it became possible. b. Their negative attitude against milk was seen the third or fourth time. Then it was left as it was, and S 1 was restored to the former state on the 24th day and S 2 on the 5th.


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