木梨 雅子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.43, no.5, pp.234-244, 1998

The purpose of this study is to investigate the negotiations between the Tokugawa shogunate and the 'Sumo-kaisho'(an organization of sumo wrestlers and referees)regarding the arrangements for the 'Joran-sumo match in the Kansei era', which was beld in the presence of the Shogun in 1791, and to clarify the principles underlying the arguments for and against the appointment of Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX to the top of the sumo party concerned. The archives used for this study were selected from the National Diet Library, and were written down by the Tokugawa shogunate for the record. The 'Joran-sumo match in the Kansei era' was the first one held in the Edo period, so the Tokugawa shogunate was unsure how to hold this momentous event. Therefore he appointed the Sumo-kaisho to arrange the Joran-sumo match for him. The Sumo-kaisho had been organized under Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX, who had asserted that he had been the chief of the sumo party for generations all throughout Japan, and that the Sumo-kaisho had been his apprentice. Therefore, the Sumo-kaisho required that the Tokugawa shogunate appoint Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX to the 'sumo-shiki'(a sumo ceremony)for the Joran-sumo match since both the Sumo-kaisho and the Tokugawa shogunate recognized that the 'sumo-shiki' was essential for the Joran-sumo match. However the Tokugawa shogunate refused, and instead appointed Shonosuke Kimura VII, deciding that Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX was the chief only in name. Accordingly Shonosuke Kimura VII was made the head organizer of the Sumo-kaisho based on the fact that Shonosuke Kimura VII had had several experiences as substantial organizer, whereas Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX had no practical experience. Furthermore, his background was very suspicious. However, the Sumo-kaisho had been united behind Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX and his background, so if they allowed his background to questioned, it would show a lack of unity to the Sumo-kaisho's part. Therefore, the Sumo-kaisho insisted on appointing Zenzaemon Yoshida XIX to do the 'sumo-shiki'. In the end, the Tokugawa shogunate appointed Zenzaemon yoshida XIX to do the 'sumo-shiki' and his questionable background was overlooked. As a result, the 'Joran-sumo match in the Kansei era 'proved to be an important factor in the Sumo-kaisho's effort to gain authority as the leading organization in sumo.


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