和田 実 山口 雅敏
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.15, no.2, pp.125-136, 1999

The purpose of this paper was to reveal the relationships between social exchanges and the quality of a romantic relationship from various social exchange perspectives, analyzing the couple as a unit. Subjects were 92 couples. Major findings were as follows: 1. Perceptions of equity and equality within the romantic dyad weren't related. On the other hand, the values of maximizing own outcome model, maximizing other's outcome model, maximizing joint outcome model, and investment model were positively related. 2. The lesser the discrepancy between the couple's self-outcome and that of equity model were, the greater the couple's satisfaction was. The lesser the discrepancy between the couples' investment model was, the greater the couple's commitment was.


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