佐伯 康子
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.36, no.2, pp.229-237, 2000

1.Strategic values of the South Sea Islands for the Japanese Navy. 1)The 1st World War and dispatch cruisers by the reguest of Sir.Winston Churchill, the Minister of the Royal Navy. 2)Occupation of the South Sea Islands 3)Churchill's reguest of destroyers and a promise between Japan and the U.K. 4)The Paris Peace Conference 5)Reguest to Nanyokohatsu 2.Strategic values of the South Sea Islands for Nanyokohatsu. 1)Establishment of Nanyokohatsu. 2)The business development by Haruji Matsue.


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後で:「海軍の南進と南洋興発 : 一九一四年〜一九三〇年を中心に」法政論叢 36(2), 229-237, xxiv, 2000-05-15 http://t.co/ybSlqyujgr

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