オクターブを12ではない数で対数的に等分割した音律を用い,ジャズ・民謡風の旋律・グレゴリオ聖歌などの演奏を計算機上で試みた.ソフトウェアにはMAX/MSPを用いた.17音平均律は周波数比4/3 3/2に近いペアを含むため,違和感の少ない音楽ができる.これに対し16音平均律では構成音の周期数比はすべて無理数となり,不思議な音楽ができる.Musical pieces were composed and performed on a computer, which is based on equally-tempered scales with more than 12 notes. The scale with 17 notes includes the pairs with 4/3 and 3/2 frequency ratios and sounds less strange than the 16 notes scale, in which the frequency ratios are mostly irrational.