梶川 正弘 卜蔵 建治
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.8, no.2, pp.46-56, 1989-09-30

A severe disaster was caused by gusts and hailfalls in Aomori and Miyagi Prefectures on September 7,1986. This report outlines meteorological conditions and damages in relation to the hailstorms. The followings are the main results. 1) The gusts accompanied by hailfalls were brought about by a group of cumulonimbi related mainly to the unstable stratification by advection of upper cold air. 2) The damage due to gust in Aomori Prefecture was the drop of apple fruits and the lodging of apple trees by a tornado. 3) Most of the damages in Miyagi Prefecture were the injury of heads of rice plants by hailfalls.


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こんな論文どうですか? 1986年9月7日青森県と宮城県の降ひょうと突風による災害(梶川 正弘ほか),1989 http://t.co/zvnQwh9EBf

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