山腰 修三
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.64, pp.150-163, 2004-01-31

This article reconsiders critical communication theory with reference to the theoretical turn of Stuart Hall's communication model. The focus is on three aspects: social and political change in post-war UK; neo-Marxist concept of "discourse" and "ideology": Hall's political project as New Left. During the late 70's to early 80's, Hall had changed his communication theory dramatically in order to stand against the political project of Thatcherism. I examine that Hall's perspective had changed from "encoding/decoding" model, which leads to "semiotic democracy," to "struggle over meaning," which can be connected with new theoretical trends.


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http://t.co/h4zGdujmJN に邦訳が示されてないことに依拠する限りでは、少なくとも2004年までは出てない模様。 RT @nabeso: 【支援・拡散】RT@takemita Stuart Hall の「エンコーディング/デコーディング」って邦訳ないですか?
http://t.co/h4zGdujmJN に邦訳が示されてないことに依拠する限りでは、少なくとも2004年までは出てない模様。 RT @nabeso: 【支援・拡散】RT@takemita Stuart Hall の「エンコーディング/デコーディング」って邦訳ないですか?

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