細見 光一 室井 延之 東 和夫 池田 りき子 魚本 智子 大川 恭子 三宅 圭一 中川 素子 河本 由紀子 清原 義史 金 啓二 沢崎 高志 小野 達也 西田 英之 大野 真理子 緒方 園子 福島 昭二 徳山 尚吾 大西 憲明 平井 みどり 松山 賢治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.64-72, 2006-01-10
6 7

We conducted a survey on the practical training of pharmacy students in 47 community pharmacies and 76 hospital pharmacies in Hyogo Prefecture. Items surveyed included the acceptance system for pharmacy students, practical training curriculum, problems and difficulties. In many community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, instruction in practical training was recognized as worthwhile despite the workload involved. Though the content of the practical training varied, dispensing and medication instruction were the most common items in the practical training for both community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. Communication with patients and management of medication history were the focus of training in community pharmacies, while the major aspects of training in hospital pharmacies were dispensing of injections and TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring). Many pharmacists were of the opinion that the content and goals of the training should be reviewed and that it needed to be further evaluated. Revision of the practical training in universities was also recommended. Further, in order to achieve an efficient practical training curriculum it was felt that the training should be more linked to the special characteristics of community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.


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こんな論文どうですか? 保険薬局および病院・診療所における学生実務実習の実態調査(細見 光一ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/OlRYL
こんな論文どうですか? 保険薬局および病院・診療所における学生実務実習の実態調査(細見光一ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/OlRYL
こんな論文どうですか? 保険薬局および病院・診療所における学生実務実習の実態調査(細見光一ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/OlRYL
こんな論文どうですか? 保険薬局および病院・診療所における学生実務実習の実態調査(細見光一ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/OlRYL

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