三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers' concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about "dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema"; "food allergies"; "infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps"; and "side effects of vaccination". In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about "solutions to children's illnesses." Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: "I have nothing to talk about,", "I do not know what I should talk about,", and "I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.". From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
竹下 治範 藪田 有沙 北 早織 若林 知子 猪野 彩 原田 祐希 中川 素子 中川 道昭 波多江 崇 濵口 常男
一般社団法人 日本薬局学会
薬局薬学 (ISSN:18843077)
pp.nt.2019-0002, (Released:2020-01-30)

要 旨:PTP 包装から錠剤を押し出す際,高齢者や手指の不自由な患者に対して押し出しやすい方法を提案することは重要な課題である.今回,PTP 包装からの錠剤の押し出し方法について客観的な評価とともに,人を対象とした官能評価試験で検討した.調剤薬局に来局し,同意を得た患者64 名を対象に,PTP 包装からの錠剤の押し出し方法についての官能評価試験を実施した.その結果,『指の腹』が押し出しやすいと回答した人が18 名(28%),『爪』と回答した人が46 名(72%)であった.データ解析の結果,男性に比べて女性で,さらに年齢が増すにつれPTP 包装から錠剤を取り出す際は,爪の方が押し出しやすいという傾向が明らかとなった.高齢化社会を迎える本邦において,高齢患者への服薬支援の一環として,PTP 包装からの錠剤の押し出しやすい方法の提案についても薬剤師が積極的に関与すべきだと考える.

1 0 0 0 絵本学講座

中川素子 石井光恵 松本猛編
三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015-06-10 (Released:2015-10-16)

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers’ concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about “dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema”; “food allergies”; “infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps”; and “side effects of vaccination”. In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about “solutions to children’s illnesses.” Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: “I have nothing to talk about,”, “I do not know what I should talk about,”, and “I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.”. From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
細見 光一 室井 延之 東 和夫 池田 りき子 魚本 智子 大川 恭子 三宅 圭一 中川 素子 河本 由紀子 清原 義史 金 啓二 沢崎 高志 小野 達也 西田 英之 大野 真理子 緒方 園子 福島 昭二 徳山 尚吾 大西 憲明 平井 みどり 松山 賢治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.64-72, 2006-01-10
6 7

We conducted a survey on the practical training of pharmacy students in 47 community pharmacies and 76 hospital pharmacies in Hyogo Prefecture. Items surveyed included the acceptance system for pharmacy students, practical training curriculum, problems and difficulties. In many community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, instruction in practical training was recognized as worthwhile despite the workload involved. Though the content of the practical training varied, dispensing and medication instruction were the most common items in the practical training for both community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. Communication with patients and management of medication history were the focus of training in community pharmacies, while the major aspects of training in hospital pharmacies were dispensing of injections and TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring). Many pharmacists were of the opinion that the content and goals of the training should be reviewed and that it needed to be further evaluated. Revision of the practical training in universities was also recommended. Further, in order to achieve an efficient practical training curriculum it was felt that the training should be more linked to the special characteristics of community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.