小倉 史愛 木村 丈司 宇田 篤史 戸田 飛鳥 赤澤 由子 山本 和宏 五百蔵 武士 西岡 達也 久米 学 槇本 博雄 平井 みどり
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.2, pp.78-86, 2016-02-10 (Released:2017-02-15)
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Polypharmacy, the co-prescribing of nonessential drugs and inappropriate prescriptions, is a worldwide issue and is a factor affecting the increase in adverse drug reactions, drug-drug and drug-disease state interactions, and the growth in medical spending. In this study, we evaluated the current status of polypharmacy in elderly patients at Kobe University Hospital and the efficacy for screening and intervention against potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) with the screening tool of older persons' potentially inappropriate prescriptions (STOPP) criteria formulated by a pharmacist. Of 301 study patients, 81 (26.9%) patients with PIMs were identified using the STOPP criteria, and these patients had a significantly higher number of prescribed drugs than other patients. Moreover, there was a correlation between the number of prescribed drugs and the percentage of patients identified using the STOPP criteria. The STOPP criteria identified 125 cases to be PIMs, and the prescriptions were changed for 35 (28%) of them. In 125 cases of PIMs, 61 cases had been strongly recommended prescription changes by pharmacists, of which 32 cases (52.5%) had been changed. Several prescription changes were often associated with the administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Based on our findings, we suggest that the STOPP criteria are useful for screening PIMs in Japanese patients and are a helpful tool for managing polypharmacy. The benefits of this approach for pharmacists should be multilaterally evaluated by the assessment of patients and medical economic outcomes in the future.
野田 敏宏 新敷 祐士 安西 恵子 川崎 啓子 栗原 智仁 高市 和之 髙野 紀子 中村 峰夫 西野 健三 山田 和也 平井 みどり 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫 吉山 友二 井関 健
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.36, no.2, pp.93-98, 2013 (Released:2013-07-01)
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要 旨目的 : 本研究ではサプリメント類の利用に関して来局患者および薬剤師両者の意識および実態を明らかにすることにより, サプリメント類利用における薬剤師の関わり方を検討した. 方法 : 東京都・北海道内の14保険薬局にて来局患者1,253人を対象に, サプリメント類に関するアンケート調査を来局時に実施した. また, 薬剤師289人に対してサプリメント類に関する意識および情報収集の実態について, 保険薬局および北海道薬学大会 (2011年・札幌) においてアンケート調査を実施した. 結果 : 来局患者からの回答数1,253人のうち, 約50%は薬剤師にサプリメント類の安全性や効果についての情報提供を望んでいるものの, 実際には薬剤師が来局患者の疑問に答えている例は7.3%にしかすぎないことが明らかとなった.  一方で, 回答を得られた薬剤師289人のうち67.5%の薬剤師は自身がサプリメント類の情報提供者として来局患者に期待されていると認識しているものの, サプリメント類の情報収集に積極的に取り組んでいる薬剤師は約30%であり, さらにその情報内容もインターネット上の情報に頼っていることが示された. 結論 : サプリメント類の説明に対する患者の期待と薬剤師による説明の実態には, 大きな隔たりがあることが分かった. 来局患者の期待に応えるためにも, 薬剤師はサプリメント類に対し科学的根拠に基づく理解を深め, 医薬品との関連を含めた統合管理の必要性が求められる.
石川 愛子 宇田 篤史 矢野 育子 冨田 猛 阪上 倫行 野崎 晃 西岡 達也 久米 学 槇本 博雄 濱口 常男 岩川 精吾 北河 修治 平井 みどり
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.157-164, 2018-04-10 (Released:2019-04-10)
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Kobe University Hospital created a simplified 14-item protocol for resolving out-of-hospital prescription queries. The protocol was implemented in September 2016 in nine community pharmacies. If prescriptions were changed as per the new protocol or via typical query procedures, we asked community pharmacies to fax the changed prescriptions, and the hospital pharmacists, rather than medical doctors, modified the prescription history. To evaluate the effects of this simplified protocol, we examined the number of changed outpatient prescriptions and administered questionnaire surveys to community pharmacists and hospital-based medical doctors. The ratio of changed to total outpatient prescriptions decreased in January 2017 (4.1%) compared with those in September 2016 (6.4%). Ultimately, more than half of all outpatient prescriptions were changed by the protocol. Drug brand name changes accounted for 52% of the total changes during both September 2016 and January 2017, but the proportion of residual medicine adjustment increased from 12% in September 2016 to 26% in January 2017. Due to the questionnaire survey, 33% of surveyed medical doctors indicated that they knew or had heard of the protocol, and 54% responded that the protocol decreased the burden of addressing outpatient prescription queries. The community pharmacies reported that the burden of clarifying outpatient prescription queries decreased. In conclusion, implementation of the simplified protocol for outpatient prescription queries improved medical efficiency and may help promote cooperative streamlining of community patient pharmaceutical care services.
冨田 猛 野崎 晃 宇田 篤史 山本 和宏 西岡 達也 久米 学 槇本 博雄 矢野 育子 平井 みどり
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1-7, 2017-05-31 (Released:2017-06-16)

Objective: When responding to questions regarding drug-drug interaction by the medical staff of our hospital, pharmacists previously collected information using some drug databases from Japan and the United States.  The aim of this study was to construct a search system for interaction information using drug databases from both Japan and the United States for streamlining questions and answers regarding drug-drug interaction.Methods: Using the drug databases from Japan and the United States, we collected information on the interaction pertaining to drugs prescribed at Kobe University Hospital.  This information was further assessed for consistency.  Furthermore, we constructed an original search system for interaction information for streamlining questions and answers regarding drug-drug interaction.Results: The difference between information obtained from the databases from Japan and the United States was apparent.  Thus, we concluded that it was necessary to obtain interaction information via a database search that included information from both the countries.  Therefore, our original interaction search system was reconstructed with interaction information collected using databases from both the countries.  We compared the response to questions regarding the previous and present methods using our original search system for interaction information; the time required to obtain the responses was 5.89 and 3.09 min, respectively, and it took lesser time for providing responses than the previous method.Conclusion: We evaluated the usefulness of the original search system for interaction information.  We found that the original system provides a more rapid response to questions compared with the previous method.  We are considering a further upgrade and update for the original system by adding information on drugs not prescribed by our hospital.
宇田 篤史 吉田 都 原口 珠実 櫨川 舞 水本 篤志 山本 和宏 平野 剛 内田 享弘 平井 みどり
日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 (ISSN:13418815)
vol.52, no.5, pp.529-532, 2016-05

谷藤 亜希子 田中 健太 平野 剛 岡村 昇 平井 みどり
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.13, no.3, pp.95-102, 2011 (Released:2012-02-09)

Objective: Drug information literacy is necessary for pharmacists.  This study investigated the effect of practical training on the drug information literacy of pharmacy students.Methods: We conducted practical training in the drug information room of hospital pharmacy.  Then we asked the students two questions before and after the training.  We scored the drug information responses of students using four-point rating scales based on objective criteria.  We compared the scores obtained before and after training.  In addition, we researched the realization of several secondary and tertiary sources using a visual analog scale (VAS).  We then compared VAS findings before and after the training.Results: The score for drug information responses was significantly improved.  For sources other than MEDLINE (Pub Med), the VAS score also improved.  The students were aware of the information on package inserts before training.  There was significant improvement in awareness of books about pregnancy and lactation (e.g. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation) after training.  However, there were significant individual differences in awareness of MEDLINE, Up To Date, and the Cochrane Library.Conclusion: This practical training experience improved the drug information literacy of pharmacy students.  Before training, there were significant deficiencies in the process of literature search.  Therefore, this training was effective for advancement in drug information literacy of pharmacy students.
松田 裕子 八木 敬子 平井 みどり
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.125-135, 2005-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Communication skills are an essential requirement for pharmacists if they are to function competently as medical professionals. Training using simulated patients has recently been introduced in medical education and we considered that the use of simulated patients would help pharmacy students to acquire the communication skills necessary for patient consultations. To do this, we instructed volunteer patients on how to act as simulated patients and started using them as part of the training in consultations for third-year students at Kobe Pharmaceutical University. The results of a survey conducted at the end of the training indicated that students recognized the high educational value of the simulated patients due to the sense of realism they brought into the training and the tension they experienced in interacting with them, saying that this increased their interest in the work of the pharmacist and stimulated their desire to learn. The use of simulated patients was effective in enhancing the communication skills because they had to focus on their attitudes and responses.
平井 みどり 八木 敬子 木口 敏子 長嶺 幸子 冨田 尚子 上田 久美子 平井 由華 加藤 史恵 寺岡 麗子 大塚 誠 岩川 精吾 松田 芳久
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.461-467, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Effective communication is central to patient-centered care in the successful practice of pharmacy. As well as communication skills, a pharmacist should acquire an effective presentation technique to establish interpersonal communication at a more than purely on a verbal level. Most undergraduates of Kobe Pharmaceutical University undergo practical training in hospitals or community pharmacies. It is essential for students to acquire communication skills in order to derive the full benefit from the practical training. We introduced a presentation and communication program at the pre-practical training stage. In the presentation component, students were asked to make a presentation on eight different aspects of a certain drug; in the communication component, students took part in a session where they learned and discussed interview skills, non-verbal communication, open-ended questioning and effective communication. Questionnaires answered by the undergraduates suggested that this training course had made a strong impression on them and had served as a useful guide to acquiring the presentation and communication skills essential in pharmaceutical care.
谷口 美保子 漁和 佳子 八木 敬子 平井 みどり
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.473-479, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Japan has many pharmacists who are professionally active in the clinical field, pharmaceutical companies, scientific research and government agencies. The public however, knows little about their work. To remedy this situation pharmacists need to publicize their activities, especially to those outside the world of medicine. Although pharmacists need to be able to gather and disseminate information on pharmaceuticals, there are few courses offering skills in communication or presentation at the institutes where they are educated. Particularly among young people, better information on drugs and health is essential in order to prevent adverse effects of drugs and drugs abuse, which might also lead to an overall savings in healthcare costs.We designed a drug information program for high-school students in which a pharmacy student gave lectures on drug usage, food and health, smoking, drug abuse, menstruation and the low-dose birth control pill. The high-school students, many of whom were found to have deficient knowledge of drug use and health care, wanted more accurate information about drugs and health and were very enthusiastic about the lectures. At the same time it was an educational experience for the pharmacy student to give lectures on healthcare to school-age students. It is hoped that this program will contribute to a more positive public perception of the profession of pharmacists.
平井 みどり 八木 敬子 木口 敏子 長嶺 幸子 冨田 尚子 上田 久美子 平井 由華 岩川 精吾 松田 芳久
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.235-244, 2001-06-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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In Japan, pharmacy students are not well trained in either communicating with patients/customers nor providing information about drugs. At our university, most of fourth year students have practical training in hospital or community pharmacy. To complement this practical training, we have a pre-training program modeling exchanges between pharmacists and their customers. As we have no communication training in our curriculum, we implemented training for providing drug information, while taking the necessity of communication training activities into consideration. The program was as follows : one was role-play at the pharmacy counter and the other was for documenting and supplying information for junior high school students about drug and health information. After providing drug information, the students evaluated each other and discussed the various aspects of the communication activities. Through such training, the students were able to overcome some communication barriers and in the end felt satisfied with their own presentations. This training proved to be a useful way of improving the information and communication skills of pharmacy students.
細見 光一 室井 延之 東 和夫 池田 りき子 魚本 智子 大川 恭子 三宅 圭一 中川 素子 河本 由紀子 清原 義史 金 啓二 沢崎 高志 小野 達也 西田 英之 大野 真理子 緒方 園子 福島 昭二 徳山 尚吾 大西 憲明 平井 みどり 松山 賢治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.64-72, 2006-01-10
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We conducted a survey on the practical training of pharmacy students in 47 community pharmacies and 76 hospital pharmacies in Hyogo Prefecture. Items surveyed included the acceptance system for pharmacy students, practical training curriculum, problems and difficulties. In many community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, instruction in practical training was recognized as worthwhile despite the workload involved. Though the content of the practical training varied, dispensing and medication instruction were the most common items in the practical training for both community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. Communication with patients and management of medication history were the focus of training in community pharmacies, while the major aspects of training in hospital pharmacies were dispensing of injections and TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring). Many pharmacists were of the opinion that the content and goals of the training should be reviewed and that it needed to be further evaluated. Revision of the practical training in universities was also recommended. Further, in order to achieve an efficient practical training curriculum it was felt that the training should be more linked to the special characteristics of community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.