高良 恒史 大西 憲明 堀部 紗世 橋詰 勉 金澤 治男 横山 照由
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.29, no.1, pp.77-82, 2003-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
3 3

For the development of a practical training system to effectively teach sterilization techniques, we conducted on unregistered questionnaire survey of the undergraduate student's view about the training practice for glass ample cutting, and then evaluated and discussed the introduction to practical training of pharmaceutical health care and sciences for the third-grade undergraduate students. Among 96 third-grade undergraduate students, 54 students (56%) had some experience in cutting glass amples while the remaining students did not. Twenty-six of the 54 students with some experience (48%) had some anxiety regarding glass ample cutting, while only 13 of the 42 inexperienced students (31 %) had such anxiety. Twelve of the 13 inexperienced students overcame some anxiety against glass ample cutting. Moreover, 87 of 96 students (91%) considered that receiving practice in glass ample cutting was necessary for them. Consequently, the training programs on glass ample cutting were found to be appropriate and useful for students to develop sufficient practical skills and accurate ability in sterilization techniques. As a result, we are now preparing to introduce a training program for glass ample cutting in addition to the regular practical training of pharmaceutical health care and sciences at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University.
高良 恒史 大西 憲明 橋詰 勉 金澤 治男 横山 照由
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.1, pp.57-62, 2002-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
5 5

In 1996, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the Education and Research Center of Kyoto Pharmaceutical University was established to enrich the education program of pharmaceutical health care and sciences, and to also be used as a pre-training program for undergraduates before taking part in externships at hospitals or pharmacies. In the following year, the training center of clinical pharmacy (a simulated pharmacy) was also founded, and has since been used for the practical training of pharmaceutical health care and sciences for third-year undergraduate students. We herein describe our findings of an unregistered questionnaire survey of the undergraduate students' view, while also evaluating and discussing the effectiveness of this training program.Almost all students considered undergoing the practical training to be useful and necessary for them, because their scores before and after the training were 4.24 and 4.56 points on a scale of 5 point maximum, respectively. The students also evaluated each part of the training program, with mean values before and after the practice 3.75-4.01 and 3.70-4.39, respectively. The students did voice various opinions regarding the practical training program. Consequently, the students are satisfied with the practical training programs at present, however, we will have to continually improve such programs to better meet the students needs.
高良 恒史 大西 憲明 堀部 紗世 橋詰 勉 金澤 治男 横山 照由
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.29, no.1, pp.77-82, 2003
5 3

For the development of a practical training system to effectively teach sterilization techniques, we conducted on unregistered questionnaire survey of the undergraduate student's view about the training practice for glass ample cutting, and then evaluated and discussed the introduction to practical training of pharmaceutical health care and sciences for the third-grade undergraduate students. Among 96 third-grade undergraduate students, 54 students (56%) had some experience in cutting glass amples while the remaining students did not. Twenty-six of the 54 students with some experience (48%) had some anxiety regarding glass ample cutting, while only 13 of the 42 inexperienced students (31%) had such anxiety. Twelve of the 13 inexperienced students overcame some anxiety against glass ample cutting. Moreover, 87 of 96 students (91%) considered that receiving practice in glass ample cutting was necessary for them. Consequently, the training programs on glass ample cutting were found to be appropriate and useful for students to develop sufficient practical skills and accurate ability in sterilization techniques. As a result, we are now preparing to introduce a training program for glass ample cutting in addition to the regular practical training of pharmaceutical health care and sciences at Kyoto Pharmaceutical University.
細見 光一 室井 延之 東 和夫 池田 りき子 魚本 智子 大川 恭子 三宅 圭一 中川 素子 河本 由紀子 清原 義史 金 啓二 沢崎 高志 小野 達也 西田 英之 大野 真理子 緒方 園子 福島 昭二 徳山 尚吾 大西 憲明 平井 みどり 松山 賢治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.64-72, 2006-01-10
6 7

We conducted a survey on the practical training of pharmacy students in 47 community pharmacies and 76 hospital pharmacies in Hyogo Prefecture. Items surveyed included the acceptance system for pharmacy students, practical training curriculum, problems and difficulties. In many community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, instruction in practical training was recognized as worthwhile despite the workload involved. Though the content of the practical training varied, dispensing and medication instruction were the most common items in the practical training for both community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. Communication with patients and management of medication history were the focus of training in community pharmacies, while the major aspects of training in hospital pharmacies were dispensing of injections and TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring). Many pharmacists were of the opinion that the content and goals of the training should be reviewed and that it needed to be further evaluated. Revision of the practical training in universities was also recommended. Further, in order to achieve an efficient practical training curriculum it was felt that the training should be more linked to the special characteristics of community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.