川本 文彦 岩田 徹也 市原 醇郎 熊田 信夫 加納 六郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.41, no.2, pp.117-119, 1990
3 3

A case-report of oral-stings by spermatophores of a squid, Tadorodes pacificus was described. The male patient was one of the authors of this report, aged 26 years, who was injured in his oral cavity immediately after eating uncooked internal-organs of a squid by mistake. He complained of severe pain and foreign-body sensation in the oral cavity. On examination, more than 15,small spindle-shaped stings stuck in mucous membrane of the tongue, soft palate, and upperlip. Stings were removed surgically in hospital, and they were identified as squid spermatophores by their shapes and containment of sperms. In addition to this case, two other cases with similar symptoms were identified as oral-stings by squid spermatophores. These cases suggest that fresh squids should be carefully prepared before eating them as "sashimi" or in raw.


外部データベース (DOI)

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目黒寄生虫館は資料展示だけでなく医療機関や行政機関からの同定調査依頼も受けてるんやなぁ。 イカ精莢による口腔内刺傷例 衞生動物 41(2), 117-119, 1990 https://t.co/aG1vLA6TaI
目黒寄生虫館は資料展示だけでなく医療機関や行政機関からの同定調査依頼も受けてるんやなぁ。 イカ精莢による口腔内刺傷例 衞生動物 41(2), 117-119, 1990 https://t.co/aG1vLA6TaI

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