川本 文彦 岩田 徹也 市原 醇郎 熊田 信夫 加納 六郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.41, no.2, pp.117-119, 1990
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A case-report of oral-stings by spermatophores of a squid, Tadorodes pacificus was described. The male patient was one of the authors of this report, aged 26 years, who was injured in his oral cavity immediately after eating uncooked internal-organs of a squid by mistake. He complained of severe pain and foreign-body sensation in the oral cavity. On examination, more than 15,small spindle-shaped stings stuck in mucous membrane of the tongue, soft palate, and upperlip. Stings were removed surgically in hospital, and they were identified as squid spermatophores by their shapes and containment of sperms. In addition to this case, two other cases with similar symptoms were identified as oral-stings by squid spermatophores. These cases suggest that fresh squids should be carefully prepared before eating them as "sashimi" or in raw.
中山 康博 川本 文彦 須藤 千春 中嶋 暉躬 安原 義 藤岡 寿 熊田 信夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.36, no.4, pp.315-326, 1985
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蚊刺咬による皮膚反応の機構を解明する試みのひとつとして, 蚊の唾液腺に含まれる成分について分析した。アカイエカCulex pipiens pallensの唾液腺の粗抽出物およびその低分子画分(mol. wt. <6,000)は, 蚊に無感作のモルモット皮内で血管透過性を亢進した。O-phthalaldehyde法によりhistamine染色を行うと, Cx.pipiens pallensおよびAedes togoiの唾液腺全体に強い陽性反応が観察された。αおよびβナフチルアセテートを基質としてエステラーゼ染色を行ったところ, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液全体に強い陽性反応が認められ, 一方, Ae. togoiおよびAe. albopictusでは比較的弱い反応が観察されたのみであった。Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物を用いたin vitro実験では, TAME, BTEEおよびATEEの加水分解, 血液凝固阻止活性および溶血活性は検出されなかった。イオン交換高速液体クロマトグラフィー分析では, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物中にhistamine, putrescine, spermine, およびspermidineが検出されたが, serotoninは検出されなかった。
川本 文彦 熊田 信夫
vol.40, no.3, pp.211-212, 1989

A case report of eye-injury accidentally caused by the cervical gland venom from a snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus was described. The male patient was one of the authors of this report, aged 36 years, who was injured at his right eye during handling snakes captured for his laboratory work. About 5min after the accident, very frequent blinks followed by massive epiphora occurred in the injured eye. He recognized strong conjunctival injection with foreigh-body sensation in the eye. Irrigation with tap water had no effect, but repeated irrigation with a commercial eye-lotion reduced the symptoms. Three hours later, he could open the right eye, although corneal opacity disturbed his vision. Conjunctival injection disappeared within 4hr, but strong foreign-body sensation still remained. He was diagnosed at hospital as descemetitis with corneal opacity by the snake venom entered the eye. He was treated with chloramphenicol- and flavineadenin dinucleotide ointments. Clinical symptoms improved rapidly and disappeared within 3 days.
川本 文彦 熊田 信夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.40, no.3, pp.211-212, 1989-09-15 (Released:2016-08-26)
3 5

A case report of eye-injury accidentally caused by the cervical gland venom from a snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus was described. The male patient was one of the authors of this report, aged 36 years, who was injured at his right eye during handling snakes captured for his laboratory work. About 5min after the accident, very frequent blinks followed by massive epiphora occurred in the injured eye. He recognized strong conjunctival injection with foreigh-body sensation in the eye. Irrigation with tap water had no effect, but repeated irrigation with a commercial eye-lotion reduced the symptoms. Three hours later, he could open the right eye, although corneal opacity disturbed his vision. Conjunctival injection disappeared within 4hr, but strong foreign-body sensation still remained. He was diagnosed at hospital as descemetitis with corneal opacity by the snake venom entered the eye. He was treated with chloramphenicol- and flavineadenin dinucleotide ointments. Clinical symptoms improved rapidly and disappeared within 3 days.
内川 公人 山田 喜紹 佐藤 潔 熊田 信夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.35, no.3, pp.233-243, 1984
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Field surveys were carried out monthly during the period from August 1981 to September 1982 to add to the basic knowledge of the vectors of tsutsugamushi disease in Nagano Prefecture, where outbreaks of the disease were reported in the spring of 1981 after a lapse of 14 years. Field mice and voles were trapped alive at stations selected mostly in grasslands in Miasa Village and Iida City. Preliminary or additional surveys were also done at irregular intervals in these areas and in Yamanouchi Town and Matsumoto City. From four kinds of field rodents examined, a total of 51,548 chiggers comprising three genera and 12 species was collected and identified. Among them, Leptotrombidium pallidum, L. intermedium, L. fuji, and Gahrliepia saduski were the predominant species in this order. L. scutellare, one of the known vectors in Japan, was not collected during the study, suggesting that L. pallidum would have played the role of vector in the recent reoccurrence of tsutsugamushi disease in Nagano Prefecture. Remarkable difference was observed among the average numbers of chiggers taken from different kinds of hosts. Conspicuous variations in host perference of some chigger species were also observed depending on the localities of collection. Habitat specificity was distinctly demonstrated by the fact that the faunal compositions of chigger species were closely related with the topographical features of the lands surveyed. Seasonal fluctuation of chiggers also differed depending on the localities of the survey. For example, average number of L. pallidum on the rodents showed a peak of occurrence in the late fall at the stations in Iida, while the same species of chigger had two peaks, one in spring and the other in autumn, at the stations in Miasa. The importance of studying the favorable habitats for the vector was discussed from the epidemiological viewpoints.
浅沼 靖 宮本 武美 秋山 順 中川 宏 堀 覚 北岡 正見 大久保 薫 熊田 信夫 鈴木 誠 柄沢 敏夫 久郷 準 山本 久 川村 明義
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.10, no.4, pp.232-244, 1959
1 4

Among the cases of scrub typhus newly recognized in Japan after the World War II, those prevalent in the Izu Shichito Islands of Tokyo Prefecture, in Awa-gun, Chiba Prefecture, and in Mt. Fuji area, Shizuoka Prefecture, are called as the "Shichito type scrub typhus" or as the "scutellaris type scrub typhus, " and Trombicula scutellaris has been presumably incriminated as a potential vector of this type of scrub typhus. The study on scrub typhus in Chiba Prefecture was commenced in 1952, when the so called "twentydays fever, " an endemic disease in this Prefecture, was assumed to belong to a scrub typhus by Kasahara et al. (1952) and Kitaoka et al. (1952).
中山 康博 川本 文彦 須藤 千春 中嶋 暉躬 安原 義 藤岡 寿 熊田 信夫
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.36, no.4, pp.315-326, 1985-12-15 (Released:2016-09-02)
8 10

蚊刺咬による皮膚反応の機構を解明する試みのひとつとして, 蚊の唾液腺に含まれる成分について分析した。アカイエカCulex pipiens pallensの唾液腺の粗抽出物およびその低分子画分(mol. wt. <6,000)は, 蚊に無感作のモルモット皮内で血管透過性を亢進した。O-phthalaldehyde法によりhistamine染色を行うと, Cx.pipiens pallensおよびAedes togoiの唾液腺全体に強い陽性反応が観察された。αおよびβナフチルアセテートを基質としてエステラーゼ染色を行ったところ, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液全体に強い陽性反応が認められ, 一方, Ae. togoiおよびAe. albopictusでは比較的弱い反応が観察されたのみであった。Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物を用いたin vitro実験では, TAME, BTEEおよびATEEの加水分解, 血液凝固阻止活性および溶血活性は検出されなかった。イオン交換高速液体クロマトグラフィー分析では, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物中にhistamine, putrescine, spermine, およびspermidineが検出されたが, serotoninは検出されなかった。
Vercammen-Grandjean P.H. 熊田 信夫 NEWELL I. M. ROBAUX P. 鈴木 博
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.25, no.3, pp.245-249, 1974

ケダニ上科のケダニ科・ジョンストンダニ科などに属するダニ類の大部分は節足動物寄生性であるが, 同上科のツツガムシ科のダニ類に似た形態的特徴を持つために, しばしば混同されることがある。本稿では, さきに著者のひとりVercammen-Grandjeanによってツツガムシ科のアポロン亜科からジョンストンダニ科に移籍されたNothotrombicula, Grossiaの2属に, その他の既記載属6属とここに記載する新属Ralphaudynaを含めて, 合計9属が互いに近縁であり, 少なくともTrombellinae亜科の従来の定義を拡大して, そのChyzeriini族としてこれら9属を取り扱うべきこと, さらに独立科の新設の必要性などについて予報を行ない, 新種R. amamiensisを命名記載した。本種は奄美大島湯湾岳中腹において恙虫類の調査中, 著者のひとり鈴木により土壌中から採集されたものである。また新属名Ralphaudynaは, 永年にわたる恙虫病および恙虫に関する研究によって, 衛生動物学の発展に多大の貢献をされたJack Ralph Audy博士の死を悼み, 同博士を追慕する思いを込めて捧げられた。
内川 公人 川森 文彦 川合 清也 熊田 信夫
日本ダニ学会誌 (ISSN:09181067)
vol.2, no.2, pp.91-98, 1993-11-25

神奈川県山北町における調査によって, 鈴木の見取り法のうち特に黒布を用いる方法がタテツツガムシ幼虫の野外サンプリングに非常に適していることを確かめた。この方法でタテツツガムシ幼虫がミカン畑の内外に多数生息していること, 比較的湿度の高い地点に謂集するらしいこと, などを確認した。野外で本種幼虫を多数採集するにも鈴木の見取り法は効率的であるが, 一旦採集した幼虫を実験室内で回収するのに種々の工夫を加える必要があるものと思われた。