Kaito Kotani Kandai Doi Nana Ushine Takuya Kato Tatsuo Sato Masaki Nonagase Shin-ichi Hayama
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.73, no.4, pp.157-159, 2022-12-25 (Released:2022-12-25)

An engorged ixodid tick was collected from a rescued short-tailed shearwater, Puffinus tenuirostris (Temminck), at Funabashi Sanbanse Seaside Park in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Based on morphological features, we identified the specimen as Ixodes kerguelenensis (André and Colas-Belcour), which is a species known to infest seabirds in Oceania. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of I. kerguelenensis in Japan. The case of infestation to the shearwater suggests the possibility of the long-distance translocation of the tick in Oceanian region to Japan.
堀田 進
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.49, no.4, pp.267-274, 1998
11 42

In August 1942 dengue fever broke out in Nagasaki, a port city located in the Kyushu District, Japan. It soon spread over other cities, recurring every summer until 1944. This was not only the first dengue epidemic in Japan proper but also was one of the most widespread dengue epidemics recorded in a temperate region, involving at least 200,000 typical cases. It was obvious that the principal vector was Aedes albopictus which distributes in the Main Islands of Japan, particularly south of 38-39°N. At that time an important factor promoted transmission of the infection. A number of water tanks had been set up for the purpose of extinguishing fires caused by bombardment during the war, and the tanks were occupied by innumerable mosquitoes. Large-scale application of insecticides was not then possible. Since the early work by Yamada (1917a, b), it had been believed that Ae. aegypti mosquitoes do not habit in Japan proper, excepting the Ryukyu and Ogasawara Islands. Contrarily, Oguri (1945) and Oguri and Kobayashi (1947,1948) reported that they found Ae. aegypti in the Ushibuka area of Kyushu (32°N) during September 1944 to May 1947. Several other investigators obtained similar survey data as those of Oguri and Kobayashi (1947,1948). The species, either adults or larvae, completely disappeared, however, from there after 1955. In another survey it was observed that, inside a cargo boat which plied between Japan and dengue-prevalent Southeast Asian countries, many Ae. aegypti were seen flying and also larvae were caught from small water deposits on the decks. It was thought that Ae. aegypti were transferred into Japan probably by boat, and that the mosquito settled in a particular area of Japan for several years. There was no definite evidence as to whether or not the imported Ae. aegypti had some role in the 1942-1944 Japanese dengue epidemics. However, serious precautions must be taken against the possible danger that vectors of infectious diseases may be introduced into an originally non-endemic area. Biological and epidemiological aspects relative to these problems are discussed.
三條場 千寿 亘 悠哉 松本 芳嗣 宮下 直
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.72, no.1, pp.1-8, 2021-03-25 (Released:2021-03-19)

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which infects almost all mammals and birds. Felids are definitive hosts that shed oocysts of T. gondii with their feces, which is then transmitted by oral ingestion. The study analyzed the prevalence of T. gondii infection in free-ranging cats on Tokunoshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture from 2017 to 2018, and found a seropositivity rate of 47.2% (59/125). This result indicated the importance of understanding and managing the behavioral patterns of felids, including the free-ranging cats. Toxoplasmosis is also an important food-borne parasitic disease due to its ability to be transmitted by consuming undercooked meat of infected animals. Considering that all developmental stages of T. gondii, including oocyst, tachyzoite, and cysts, are capable of infection, a One Health approach that considers the health maintenance of humans, animals, and the environment is important for the control of toxoplasmosis.
久末 遊 久松 定智 村上 裕
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.70, no.4, pp.235-238, 2019-12-25 (Released:2019-12-25)

The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, was first recorded from Japan during 2017. Since then, the Biodiversity Center, Ehime Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science (BCEJ) has received a total of 70 reports about ants suspected to represent this species from the citizens of Ehime Prefecture. In addition, BCEJ conducted monitoring surveys for the ants at four ports of entry (Mishima-kawanoe Port, Matsuyama Port, Niihama Port, and Imabari Port) in Ehime Prefecture on 10 July 2017. Samples obtained during these surveys and submitted by citizens were identified to genera and evaluated for their status as non native invasive species by staff at BCEJ, and the results were delivered immediately to concerned individuals at the sources. Subsequently, samples were further identified to 21 species within 14 genera and four subfamilies by the first author. Results include seven exotic species, S. geminata (Fabricius), Monomorium chinense Santschi, M. pharaonis (Linnaeus), Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon), Pheidole indica Mayr, Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander), and Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius), new distributional records for Shikoku for T. destructor (Jerdon), and new records for Ehime Prefecture for M. pharaonis (Linnaeus) and Lasius meridionalis (Bondroit). In addition to ants, 14 out of 70 reports referred to Myrmarachne elongata Szombathy, which is a salticid spider that mimics and superficially resembles ants.
倉橋 弘 柿沼 進
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.66, no.4, pp.167-200, 2015-12-25 (Released:2016-06-25)
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日本産のニクバエ全種の検索表を作成するために,ニクバエの標本を再検討したところ,新たに本州(千葉県)より採集されたニクバエが新属新種であることがわかったので,パペニクバエ属キサラズニクバエPapesarcophaga kisarazuensis Gen. nov., sp. nov.として記載した.日本昆虫目録(倉橋,2014)には36属119種が記録されているが,その後に2種ワタナベギングチヤドリニクバエOebalia pseudopedicella Kurahashi & Kakinuma, 2014とタテヤマギングチヤドリニクバエO. pseudoharpax Kurahashi & Kakinuma, 2014が記載されたので,キサラズニクバエを含めると日本産ニクバエは122種となった.ニクバエは外形がよく似ており,特に,ニクバエ亜科のニクバエでは,これまで,主に雄の外部生殖器の形態が種の分類に使われてきたが,外形でも出来るだけ属や種が検索できるように試みて,122種の検索表を作製した.チェックリストは著者らの調べた標本に基づいて作製し標本のデ-タも付した.属の数については亜属からもとの属位にもどしたものもあり43属となった.
松岡 裕之 緒方 規男
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.4, pp.203-207, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-06-25)

マウスを麻酔して2群に分け,一群には二酸化塩素のスプレーを他の一群には水のスプレーを噴霧したのち,マラリア感染蚊自由に吸血させた.二酸化塩素をスプレーしたマウスに対しては101匹の蚊のうち6匹が吸血した (5.9%) だけで、マウスの感染は13頭中1頭のみ (7.7%) であった.水をスプレーしたマウスに対しては蚊88匹のうち42匹が吸血し (47.7%), マラリア感染は11頭中6頭 (54.5%) であった.二酸化塩素スプレー群は有意差をもって吸血率 (p<0.01)・マラリア感染率 (p<0.05) の低下が見られた.次に両端をメッシュで覆ったチューブの中に蚊を入れ,チューブの片方は空気のみを含むケージに,反対側は二酸化塩素を含むケージに差し込んで,蚊がどちらの側に偏在するか調べた.Anopheles stephensi, Aedes albopictusおよびCulex pipiens pallensの3種蚊とも0.03 ppm以上の二酸化塩素濃度において反対側(空気側)に偏在した.二酸化塩素は蚊に対する忌避作用があるといえた.
二瓶 直子 桐木 雅史 高圓 博文 露口 利夫 斉藤 康秀 平 健介 米島 万有子 望月 貫一郎 千種 雄一
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.69, no.1, pp.19-29, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-04-30)

Oncomelania hupensis nosophora (Ohn) is the intermediate snail host of Schistosoma japonicum (Trematoda; Schistosomatidae) (Sj) in Japan. The last domestic schistosomiasis infection in Japan has been thought to occur in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1977. In 1985, the intermediate host snail was isolated from paddy fields along the Obitsu River basin in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. At that time, schistosomiasis was assumed to become a past disease in this area. Thus, activities to exterminate Ohn or annual screening programs of residents in this area had not been conducted. Indeed, this disease represents a neglected endemic disease in Japan. This report describes the epidemiological history of the disease from various approaches including clinical information, philological study, interview surveys, snail collection surveys, and changes in land use and environments using geographic information systems. The assumption of disease elimination was based on the lack of reports of new infection for more than 30 years, environmental modifications, and almost no snail infestation from 2012 onward in known habitats. We concluded that continuous monitoring of the snails is not necessary in the studied area, while a certain level of attention to redistribution of the snail from hidden habitats may be required.
川本 文彦 岩田 徹也 市原 醇郎 熊田 信夫 加納 六郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.41, no.2, pp.117-119, 1990
3 3

A case-report of oral-stings by spermatophores of a squid, Tadorodes pacificus was described. The male patient was one of the authors of this report, aged 26 years, who was injured in his oral cavity immediately after eating uncooked internal-organs of a squid by mistake. He complained of severe pain and foreign-body sensation in the oral cavity. On examination, more than 15,small spindle-shaped stings stuck in mucous membrane of the tongue, soft palate, and upperlip. Stings were removed surgically in hospital, and they were identified as squid spermatophores by their shapes and containment of sperms. In addition to this case, two other cases with similar symptoms were identified as oral-stings by squid spermatophores. These cases suggest that fresh squids should be carefully prepared before eating them as "sashimi" or in raw.
浦辺 研一 池本 孝哉 武井 伸一
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.41, no.3, pp.265-272, 1990-09-15 (Released:2016-08-26)
2 2

The prey-predator relationship between larvae of the mosquito Anopheles sinensis and nymphs of the dragonfly Sympetrum frequens in rice field areas was investigated in the suburbs of Omiya City, Japan, during the period from June to July of 1979 (for Area-A and the whole area) and 1980 (for Area-B), and July 1986 (for the whole area). The average density of S. frequens nymphs in Area-A (210a) and Area-B (430a) was 23-41/m^2 and 2-6/m^2,respectively. On the contrary, densities of An. sinensis larvae were very low in Area-A and high in Area-B. In both the areas, the density of S. frequens nymphs in a rice field was much different from those in neighbors. The precipitin test of the gut content of S. frequens nymphs with antiserum against An. sinensis larvae indicated that the proportion of An. sinensis larvae preyed by S. frequens nymphs was estimated to be 83.3 to 100% in Area-A and 0 to 87.5% in Area-B. The density of S. frequens nymphs in the whole area (97ha) was about 4/m^2 during the first half of June of 1979 and 1986. The distribution of nymphs in the area was contagious. On 17 June 1979,18.2% of S. frequens nymphs had detectable An. sinensis antigen in the gut, and 39% of An. sinensis larvae were estimated to be preyed by S. frequens nymphs during the day. An. sinensis larvae in the survey area could be controlled effectively by S. frequens through appropriate management of rice fields.
浜田 篤郎 渡辺 直煕 山崎 洋次 吉葉 繁雄 小林 昭夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.41, no.3, pp.279-280, 1990
3 3

A 57-year-old woman experienced pain from foreign bodies in her oral cavity after eating raw squid. Examination of her oral cavity revealed 20-30 small foreign bodies embedded in the mucous membrane. After all the foreign bodies were pulled out, the pain was allayed and the wounds eventually healed. The foreign bodies, 5mm in length, were white and of elongated conical shape. Under microscopy, a large number of sperms was observed in the bodies. These foreign bodies were determined to be sperm-bags of the squid. It is supposed that this woman ate squid with spermatophores, thereafter sperm-bags were discharged from the spermatophores into her oral cavity. Although only a few similar cases heretofore have been found, it might increase among the Japanese who frequently eat raw squid.
武田 植人 栗原 毅 鈴木 猛 佐々 学 三浦 昭子 松本 克彦 田中 英文
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.13, no.1, pp.31-35, 1962

1961年7月より10月までの間, 横浜市鶴見区師岡町付近で未吸血の蚊が炭酸ガスに多数集まつて来ることを利用してドライアイスと蚊張を用いたトラップを作り, 捕集される蚊について検討した.7月28日にはドライアイスの消費量が100g〜550gである蚊張に午後6時から9時までの3時間のあいだ3, 000〜8, 000の雌成虫を捕集することが出来た.侵入口の方向が発生源の反対側の方向および風下であると, より効果的に捕集することが出来, 多少の風力および蚊張の配置場所には著明な差が認められなかつた.ドライアイスとヤギおよびニワトリを入れた蚊張に集まる蚊の数はドライアイス>ヤギ>ニワトリとなり, 動物誘引法およびライトトラップ法に比べてドライアイストラップ法ははるかに効果的であつた.ドライアイスに集まる蚊の日週活動を8月4日から9月6日に至る間, 午後6時から翌朝午前6時まで一時間毎に採集し観察した結果, 午後7時から8時までに侵入数が最高となり以後漸次減少するが午前4時〜5時まで侵入は続いた.蚊の種類別による日週活動の差はあまり著明ではなかつた.
佐藤 寛子 柴田 ちひろ 斎藤 博之 佐藤 了悦 齊藤 志保子 高橋 守 藤田 博己 角坂 照貴 高田 伸弘 川端 寛樹 高野 愛 須藤 恒久
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.1, pp.21-25, 2013-03-15 (Released:2013-07-06)

Since 1993, no cases infected with high pathogenic Kato type of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O.tsutsugamushi) had occurred. However, in August, 2008, we found a patient with tsutsugamushi disease (scrub typhus) who had the antibody against Kato serotype antigen the titer of which was raised at the level of the convalescent phase. The patient resided along Omono river, Daisen city, Akita Prefecture, Japan. We surveyed the vector mites and the field mice as hosts around the endemic locality, from spring to autumn, 2009. We found out Leptotronbidium akamushi (L. akamushi) and succeeded to isolate the Kato type of O. tsutsugamushi from the field mice at the endemic locality. L. akamushi were also found at the famous place for national fireworks in Daisen city, not so distant from the endemic locality. In order to avoid additional latent infections among the local residents or tourists, it is necessary to enlighten that there is risk of infection with this disease along Omono river in summer.
辻 英明 水野 隆夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.23, no.3, pp.185-194, 1973
4 8

本邦中部で越冬する能力を調べるために, 27℃または20℃で飼育したチャバネ, ワモン, クロ, ヤマトの4種のゴキブリを, 冬の平均気温に類似させた5.5℃条件下で長期間冷蔵する実験を行なった。またあらかじめ15℃に保ちその後5.5℃に移すことも試みた。チャバネゴキブリとワモンゴキブリの卵鞘は20日間の冷蔵で死亡し, 40日の15℃予備飼育さえも有害であった。幼虫や成虫では15℃予備飼育は冷蔵に対する耐性を高めた。しかし最も耐性のある終令幼虫と成虫に予備飼育期間28日を与えても30日間の冷蔵で死亡し, 予備飼育100日間でも40日間の冷蔵に耐えられなかった。また20℃で増殖を阻止されているチャバネゴキブリ成虫および発育の遅延しているワモンゴキブリの終令幼虫は, 共に40日間の冷蔵によって死亡した。したがって, これらの種が本邦中部の戸外や無加温の建物の中で3カ月にわたる冬を越えることはきわめて困難と思われる。クロゴキブリでは, 一定期間の予備飼育がすべてのステージの冷蔵に対する耐性を高めた。すなわち, 予備飼育28日間でかなりの老令幼虫が90日間の冷蔵に耐え, 約半数の卵鞘が予備飼育40日間で冷蔵80日間に耐えた。しかし成虫と若令幼虫は60日以下しか耐えられなかった。同様にヤマトゴキブリでは, 予備飼育28日間ですべての令期のほとんどすべての幼虫が120日間の冷蔵に耐え, 成虫でも90日の冷蔵に耐えた。卵鞘は予備飼育40日間のあとでも冷蔵40日で死亡した。この種では老令幼虫と成虫は予備飼育なしでも90日間の冷蔵に耐えた。ゴキブリのひそむ場所の冬の最高最低温度は平均温度とそれほどかけはなれたものとは考えられないので, これらの結果はクロゴキブリとヤマトゴキブリが本邦中部の戸外および無加温の建物の中で越冬できることを示しているといえよう。ヤマトゴキブリの2令と終令にみられる特異的な発育遅延は冷蔵によって消去され, 休眠の特性を示した。クロゴキブリの2令でも20℃で休眠様の発育遅延があるが, その幼虫を直接冷蔵した場合60日間で全部死亡した。しかし予備飼育を経過させた場合については未調査である。
松山 紘之 揚妻 直樹 岡田 あゆみ 鈴木 牧
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.70, no.3, pp.153-158, 2019-09-25 (Released:2019-10-25)

Instalment of deer fences around agricultural fields may, as a side benefit, reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases in humans. We examined tick (Haemaphysalis) density on the ground after two years of exclusion using three separate deer fences. Deer density in an exclosure (EX) had been kept as zero for 14 years, deer density in an enclosure (HD) had been kept constantly stocked for 14 years with around 20 deer km−2, and the second enclosure (OD) had been stocked for 11 years with around 20 deer km−2, after which time the deer were excluded for two years. Tick densities inside the three fences were monitored for two years after two years of deer exclusion from OD. In the first year, tick density in OD was as high as that in HD, and was significantly higher than that in EX. In the second year, however, tick density in OD decreased to a similar level to that in EX. These results suggest that tick density in the environment decreases after three years of exclusion. Our findings support the effectiveness of culling and fencing of deer with the aim of preventing the risk of tick-borne diseases.
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.26, no.4, pp.255-256, 1975

The spider, Heteropoda venatoria, has been known to be an effective natural enemy of pest insects like cockroaches and flies. The field study on the geographical distribution of this spider was made during the periods from 1963 to 1966 and from 1972 to 1973. It covered 174 points in 42 prefectures. Results were as follows : 1. This spider was recorded at 137 points in 35 prefectures. 2. This spider was found more abundant in the southern parts of Japan, as Kyushu and Chugoku districts and in the Pacific side of Honshu Islands including many southern remote islands. 3. The northern boundary of habitats of this spider was found to lie on the area of six different prefectures, namely Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gumma, Nagano, Toyama and Ishikawa Prefecture. Those prefectures lie at 36°-38°North Latitude and in the zone of the annual mean temperature of 12°-14℃.
小松 謙之 阪東 直樹
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.73, no.4, pp.167-168, 2022-12-25 (Released:2022-12-25)

中山 康博 川本 文彦 須藤 千春 中嶋 暉躬 安原 義 藤岡 寿 熊田 信夫
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.36, no.4, pp.315-326, 1985
1 10

蚊刺咬による皮膚反応の機構を解明する試みのひとつとして, 蚊の唾液腺に含まれる成分について分析した。アカイエカCulex pipiens pallensの唾液腺の粗抽出物およびその低分子画分(mol. wt. <6,000)は, 蚊に無感作のモルモット皮内で血管透過性を亢進した。O-phthalaldehyde法によりhistamine染色を行うと, Cx.pipiens pallensおよびAedes togoiの唾液腺全体に強い陽性反応が観察された。αおよびβナフチルアセテートを基質としてエステラーゼ染色を行ったところ, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液全体に強い陽性反応が認められ, 一方, Ae. togoiおよびAe. albopictusでは比較的弱い反応が観察されたのみであった。Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物を用いたin vitro実験では, TAME, BTEEおよびATEEの加水分解, 血液凝固阻止活性および溶血活性は検出されなかった。イオン交換高速液体クロマトグラフィー分析では, Cx. pipiens pallensの唾液腺抽出物中にhistamine, putrescine, spermine, およびspermidineが検出されたが, serotoninは検出されなかった。
澤邊 京子
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1-13, 2020-03-25 (Released:2020-03-25)

We have faced a number of outbreaks of arthropod-borne infectious diseases in Japan and aimed to address each case appropriately. Here, I introduce two arthropod-borne infectious diseases caused by flies and mosquitoes, respectively. In 2004, the highly pathogenic avian influenza occurred in Kyoto. The H5N1 influenza A virus was isolated from the blow fly, Calliphora nigribarbis, collected around a poultry farm. Exposure experiments showed that the H5N1 virus survived in C. nigribarbis for at least 24 h. C. nigribarbis was suggested to possibly transport the H5N1 virus over a distance of 2 km, which they can access within 24 h. While in 2014, 162 autochthonous dengue cases were reported. Dengue virus was isolated from Aedes albopictus collected in the suspected locations of dengue virus infection in Tokyo. Phylogenetic analysis and virus infection experiments revealed that Ae. albopictus was a major dengue vector in Tokyo in 2014. In both cases, we first collected vector arthropods at each outbreak location to understand their biological characteristics and ecological dynamics. We then detected pathogens from the collected arthropods and conducted infection experiments in the laboratory. We can understand that obtaining data from both the field and the laboratory is necessary to confront arthropod-borne infectious diseases.
佐藤 新平 匹田 貴雅 三浦 源太
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.4, pp.223-226, 2013-12-25 (Released:2014-06-25)

Centipedes are nocturnally active arthropods, which mainly live in fields but often invade indoors. Centipede bites are common, but it has been reported that approximately 1% of centipede bites lead to anaphylactic symptoms. However, in Japan, few cases of anaphylactic symptoms after centipede bites have been reported. We report here a case of anaphylactic shock after a centipede bite, and the characteristics of 16 patients with centipede bites at Himeshima National Health Insurance Clinic in Himeshima village, Oita, Japan, between June 2010 and May 2013.A 59-year-old Japanese man had experienced a centipede bite 2 years previously. He again experienced a centipede bite while asleep, and his body developed a red flare, his consciousness became unclear, and his blood pressure was low. We diagnosed him with anaphylactic shock, and saved his life by appropriate treatment.Considering the 16 patients with centipede bites at Himeshima National Health Insurance Clinic between June 2010 and May 2013 and some case reports about centipede bites, we think that the main risks of shock due to centipede bites are anaphylactic reaction, repeated exposure to centipede poison and bee poison, and injuries to the head and face. Appropriate therapies for cases with slight injuries due to centipede bite are pain control and steroid external medication including antibacterial drugs.
川上 裕司 清水 一郎 高橋 治男
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.53, no.4, pp.249-256, 2002-12-15 (Released:2016-08-07)
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Fungi (eumycetes) isolated from the body surface of the cigarette beetles, Lasioderma serricorne Fabricius (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), were studied for their effect on food sanitation. The cigarette beetles were captured using a pheromone trap in 30 household kitchens in Tokyo, Saitama and Gunma prefectures from the end of July to the beginning of September, 2000. Each of the 150 captured beetles (5 beetles/house) was individually placed in a sterilization tube, with 1 ml of phosphate buffer. By shaking this tube with a touch mixer, the fungal spores adhering to the body surface of the beetle were separated. This extraction liquid was incubated on agar plates of potato dextrose (PDA), Czapek-Dox and Czapek yeast extract (CYA) at 25℃ and/or 26℃ for 5-7 days. Then, the colony grown on the plate was observed and identified on the basis of morphological characters. Consequently, 17 species of molds and about 5 species of yeasts were isolated from the body surface. Genus Aspergillus (12 isolates, 4 species) and genus Eurotium (8 isolates, 2 species) were predominant, followed by genus Penicillium (6 isolates, 4 species) and genus Arthrinium (5 isolates). Among the isolates of the toxigenic species including Aspergillus ochraceus, A. versicolor and A. fumigatus, ochratoxin A production by A. ochraceus were studied. Consequently, both isolates tested positive for toxin production. Moreover, the body surface of the cigarette beetles captured from the kitchens of 3 houses in Tokyo from the middle of August to the beginning of September 2001 was observed by a scanning electron microscope. Some fungal spores, similar to conidia of genus Aspergillus and genus Penicillium, were seen on the surface of the beetles.