鈴木 博之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.281, pp.163-171, 1979

It has been pointed out that W.E. Nesfield was a great figure in forming the Queen Anne Revival in the nineteenth century. But he was often regarded as a worse half of Nesfield-Shaw combination. So, as a first step, he must be discussed separately from Shaw. His major works were all country houses. Here was examined below four works. Coombe Abbey, 1861 Cloverley Hall, 1864 Kew Garden's Lodge, 1867 Kimmel Park, 1868 Characteristics of his composition in planning and manner of expression were summarized as follows; 1. Characteristic symmetry in exterior composition. 2. Influence of French style. 3. Influence of Japanese decorative motives. His work was quite unite unique and original, but his career as an architect was rather traditional in comparison with that of R.N. Shaw. Nesfield's originality in form and Shaw's modernity in career were both indespensable to make the "Queen Anne" powerful.


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こんな論文どうですか? ヴィクトリアン・ゴシック末期の様式論 : その 4 アン女王様式形成における W. E. ネスフィールドの位置(鈴木 博之),1979 https://t.co/401a9rjfMy

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