鈴木 博之
生理心理学と精神生理学 (ISSN:02892405)
vol.25, no.1, pp.17-34, 2007-04-30 (Released:2012-11-27)

近年の研究は睡眠中にも覚醒時と同様に情報処理が行われていることを示している。本論文は睡眠中の情報処理を1) 入力 : 睡眠中の外部刺激への反応, 2) 処理 : 睡眠中に起こる学習した記憶の固定と向上, 3) 出力 : 夢出現の時間的特性と夢内容の特徴, の観点から概観する。睡眠中は外部の刺激への反応が減少するが, 注意や動機づけといった心理的機能は維持されている。ある種の手続き記憶と宣言的記憶の向上には練習後の睡眠が必要である。夢は朝方に頻繁に起こり, 変化した意味記憶の連合が独特な夢の内容と関連している。睡眠中の情報処理に関する研究の発展は人間の認知機能と心的活動のさらなる理解を提供するであろう。
内山 真 鈴木 博之
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.70, no.3, pp.155-161, 2011-06-01 (Released:2012-03-28)

Origin of night dream has been an enigma through whole history of human race. Descriptions in the Bible have shown that the ancients regarded dream experiences as a consequence of the supernatural power outside. Since the early twentieth century, progresses of psychology have proposed that night dream comes from the unconscious mind inside. Finally in 1953, Aserinsky and Kleiteman discovered human REM sleep and demonstrated that dream reports were obtained most frequently when subjects were awakened from REM sleep. Thereafter, many scientists conducted studies on dream and REM sleep, and found a robust association between electrophysiologic phenomena and subjective experiences during REM sleep. Here we reviewed articles on psychophysiological aspects of dream and REM sleep. To document mnemonic functions of REM sleep was of our particular interest. The authors expect that studying dream and REM sleep gives clues to an understanding on the mind-body relationship.
鈴木 博之
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.29, no.4, pp.199-204, 2005 (Released:2007-10-23)

鈴木 博之 四郎翁姆
言語記述論集 = JOURNAL OF KIJUTSUKEN(Descriptive Linguistics Study Group) (ISSN:2432244X)
no.9, pp.23-42, 2017-04-30

This article presents a story named Origin of highland barley’s seeds narrated in the Lhagang dialect of Minyag Rabgang Khams Tibetan with linguistic glossing, translation, and annotation. This story is not transmitted in the speech community of Lhagang Tibetan, but well known as one of the Tibetan traditional oral stories in Chinese, circulated as a part of books as well as online articles. The present version is artificially composed: after memorising several Chinese versions, the second author, native speaker of Lhagang Tibetan, narrated without referring to the Chinese text. Therefore, it is of an experimental nature as a linguistic material and we will examine how the narrative style has been influenced by the translation process other than a general analysis of a narrative.The analysis shows that:● this narrative version lacks a hearsay marker, probably because it is not orally transmitted;● aorist is a default TAM marker in the narrative; and,● irregular use of the ergative marker is attested.
鈴木 博之
バイオメカニズム学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms (ISSN:02850885)
vol.29, no.4, pp.199-204, 2005-11-01

鈴木 博之 四郎翁姆 才譲三周
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.159, pp.69-101, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

鈴木 博之 Hiroyuki Suzuki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.35, no.4, pp.617-653, 2011-03-31

dGudzong Tibetan is spoken in Danba County, Ganzi Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture in West Sichuan, China. It belongs to “twenty-four-villages’patois,” an independent dialect group of Khams Tibetan spoken inthe rGyalrong area. Apart from my several linguistic reports, there are nodetailed descriptions of this variety of Khams Tibetan. In this paper, the phoneticanalysis of the dGudzong dialect is treated with special attention paidto the synchronic phonological framework of the dGudzong dialect as well asto several remarkable diachronic features through a comparison with WrittenTibetan forms. The phonetic analysis is divided into three parts: consonants,vowels and suprasegmentals; the diachronic analysis also mentions typologicalcharacteristics among the Khams Tibetan dialects. At the end of the article,a list of the basic vocabulary (ca. 1000 words) is added.
鈴木 博之
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
鈴木 博之
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.226, pp.85-94,105, 1974-12-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Christopher Dresser (1834-1904) was an unique designer in the history of modern design. Many art historians, for example, Sir Nikolaus Pevsner in his "Pioneers of Modern Design" and Robert Schmutzler in his "Art Nouveau-Jugendstil", highly appreciated him as a revolutional designer. Dresser's design seems very functional and "modern". But it was not only the result of functional study but also the result of looking into fundamental form. It is true that he studied function of the shape of the pot, but it was only one of his interests. At the same time, he was deeply interested in the study of natural form and of an artistic arrangement of decorative forms. In 1873, he published "the Principles of Decorative Design", which had close relation to Owen Jones' "The Grammer of Ornament" and even to A.W.N. Pugin's "The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture" in 1841. These authors were inquiring into fundamental form and arrangement of decoration. Pugin's principles were based on the Catholic religion, Owen Jones' principles were based on the natural forms. And Dresser found the Energy and the Force as his basic principles for design. Dresser's principles, however, were not completely abstruct ones. He, then, caught a chance to visit Japan. His travelling through Japan from 1877 to 1878 shows characteristics of the principles of his design. He visited Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Nikko, Tokyo and many other places. He was interested in many of Japanese designs, especially, in such decorative designs as mausolea at Nikko and Shiba. It seems that the decorative arrangement in Japanese Art greatly inspired him, and that he had confidence that his principles were true. After returning to Britain, he created many revolutional designs. In these designs, however, we could not find any Japanese motives. But he must have been greatly inspired by Japanese Art. He was inspired not by forms but by the method of convention and arrangement of them. Contents of the thesis are as follows. I. Introduction II. Chronology III. Dresser and Cole's Circle and the South Kensington IV. Travelling to Japan in 1877 V. Controversies on "Japanese Village" and against J. Conder VI. Dresser's Principles
鈴木 博之
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.101, no.4, pp.557-578,656-65, 1992

This paper is a case study describing the local lineages of the Jiang 江 village, She 歙 xian during the Ming and Qing periods. The points are following below. The Jiang lineages gained the advantage in this district socially and economically, and the people believed that the lineage's destiny was under the influence of geomancy, feng-shui 風水. From this point of view, the Jiang lineages and others tried to conserve the environment of the mountainous region against the move by the foreign settlers to develop minerals and commercial agriculture, on a backdrop of opposition arising due to continuing stratification among the lineage members. The festival organization called she-hui 社会, shen-hui 神会, si-nui 祀会, etc. was founded on a sublineage basis, including slaves, zhong-po 庄僕, in the Jiang village and Qing-yuan 慶源 village Wu-yuan 〓源. But the sublineages were not equal one another and the qualification to participate in the festival was limited according to social and economical differences. It's well known that the areas were the hometowns of Hui-Chou (Hsin-an) merchants. Segments of the Jiang lineages extended their business activities to the cities in Jiangnan, especially Yang-zhou 揚州, which was famous as a salt merchant center. But local lineages were not formed in Yang-zhou, rather the merchant segments based their relationships on the original lineages. This presented a precarious position for outside merchants. The connection with the hometown was a sort of insurance against the natural features of the region which would protect them and their descendants.
鈴木 孝明 寺尾 京平 鈴木 博之 新田 祐幹 高尾 英邦 下川 房男 大平 文和 平丸 大介 小寺 秀俊
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) (ISSN:13418939)
vol.133, no.5, pp.139-146, 2013-05-01 (Released:2013-05-01)

In this study, we propose a simple observation method of the shape and molecular orientation of the chromosomes extracted from cells for a sample-to-analysis system in clinical diagnosis. The proposed technique is composed of total preparation technique such as cell immobilization, chromosomes extraction, stretching, suspension and analysis using a disposable microchip controlled by centrifugal force only. It is experimentally confirmed that the chip having two kinds of microstructures arranged concentrically on a chip immobilizes cells and stretches chromosomes extracted from the immobilized cells.