岡田 光正 吉田 勝行 柏原 士郎
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.169, pp.79-86, 95, 1970-03-30

In this paper, we report such results of time studies about hospitals, parking places and railway stations as follows. 1. a. At Osaka Univ. Hospital, the number of patients entering this hospital is 1, 929. The peak of arrival is between 9 : 30 and 9 : 35 and the ratio of concentration in 30min. is about 20%. Here, the ratio of concentration is proportion of number of persons entering in 30min. to total accumulation in one day. b. At Osaka City Univ. Hospital, the number of patients entering this hospital is 658. The ratio of concentration in 30min. is about 26%. 2. a. At Nagahori parking place in Osaka, the number of cars entering this parking place is about 1, 500. The ratio of concentration in 60min. is about 13%. b. At Azuchimachi parking place in Osaka, the number of cars entering this parking place is about 500. The ratio of concentration in 60min. is about 14%. 3. a. At. Osaka City underground railway stations, the ratio of concentration in 60min. is about 25%. b. At Japan national railway stations, the ratio of concentration in 60% is about 17%.


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こんな論文どうですか? 時間幅指定型の施設における集中率 : 都市施設における利用人員の変動に関する研究 (6),1970 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003882173

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