金内 長司 光岡 知足 山本 脩太郎 瀬賀 利夫
日本獸醫學雜誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.28, no.5, pp.229-236, 1966-10-25

The authors previously devised an inexpensive germ-free chicken cage that couldbe used for experimetnts of 3 or 4 weeks duratiotx. In this study, cage operations werecarried out from January tltrough December, 1965.The following results were obtained.1. Out of 9 experiments to rear germ-free chicks in 8 cages each, eight were suc..cessful from a bacteriological point of view. The other experiment could not be corn..pleted>bacause of an accident in electrical heating. In one experiment, contaminationwas noticed in all 8 cages within 2 days after hatching.2. For bacteriological exatnination>the specimens were collected from more thanfifty eggs with 18 or 20-day-old embryos at the following sites: inside the egg membrane,on the surface of the embrvo>e?u volk>antd intestinal contents. Bacteria were recoveredfrom only a few sites of these eggs Oll culture media with very sntaJ] colony counts.3. One hundred and fortv-four sterilized CggS with 20-dav-old embrvos introducedin the cages gave an average hatchabilitv of 75%. The uerrrt-free t"ate of chicks wasabout 90% at 2 davs after Itatchinw (Just before feeclin:) and about 7Ocs at 25 cta.s or a.e.4. Conventional chicks reared on a non-sterilized cJiet irt cages showed a highergrowth rate than the 8CFITl-fFCC ChlCkS. Ill .1VCt1&C bOd>z weiwht, the male and fernaleconventional chicks were 40 amxd 30 Q, restcectivelv>heavier than the cour-tterparts or thegerm-free chicks at 25 days of age.5. There was no noticeable difference in the growtln rate at 25 days of age betweengerm-free chicks reared on a commercial diet arnd those on diet L=I37 reportect byRE,YNIERS at al.


外部データベース (DOI)

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こんな論文どうですか? ニワトリの無菌飼育に関する研究 : II. 飼育成績について(金内 長司ほか),1966 https://t.co/28wGXSM5N6
こんな論文どうですか? ニワトリの無菌飼育に関する研究 : II. 飼育成績について(金内 長司ほか),1966 https://t.co/28wGXSM5N6

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