増田 聡 谷口 文和
鳴門教育大学研究紀要. 芸術編 (ISSN:13434403)
vol.19, pp.25-35, 2004

Today, recording and reproducing technology is so essential that we cannot ignore its influences on our musical experience. However, it seems that many of us are still obssessed with the idea that recorded music is only subsidery to "live" music. The purpose of this paper is to rethink musical listening with reproduction. Hi-fi maniacs have two ambivalent principles: that reproduced sound should be identical to its "source" , and that they can make sound with their equipments as they feel favorable. Though, the privileged "source" never sounds without reproduction, so they can evaluate the fidelity of sounds only by imagination. On the other hand, when they assume that audio equipments "create" sounds, they cannot feel sure if they really listen to music. Sound systems for club music is designed with the principle same as the latter type of hi-fi manias. But the audience feels the "aura" from reproduced music, because DJs who mediate between records and them make the field where they listen to music authentic. While hi-fi maniacs who pursue imaginative "source" has been reproducing "loss of aura" , DJ cultures restore the aura. Thus, both musical practices of hi-fi maniacs and DJs use the same technology, but bring different musical experiences. And here we can elucidate the multi-layered structure of musical listening, where we differently imagine "what makes music".


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こんな論文どうですか? 録音・複製テクノロジーと音楽聴取体験の多層化 : オーディオ趣味とDJ文化を中心に(増田 聡ほか),2004 https://t.co/dZpKGehDFW
ゴールのない道を歩き続けると魂が摩耗してしまう https://t.co/VwVEp17tXx
こんな論文どうですか? 録音・複製テクノロジーと音楽聴取体験の多層化 : オーディオ趣味とDJ文化を中心に(増田 聡ほか),2004 https://t.co/AyQJItJDwK
増田、谷口「録音・複製テクノロジーと音楽聴取体験の多層化 : オーディオ趣味とDJ文化を中心に」http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004028141 #popuon

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