松尾 哲子 古賀 史子 福田 平八郎
日本経営工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13422618)
vol.53, no.4, pp.323-328, 2002-10-15

In Japan, transition to a few-children, old-aged society and a nuclear family society is escalating. According to a white paper on the old-aged society, in a comparison of predicated family composition in 2020 with that in 1995, the number of households where the age of a householder is over 65 will increase from 8.67 million to 17.18 million, and senior people living alone will also sharply increase to 5.36 million, 2.5 times that of 1995. In the meantime, senior citizens as well as regional retail stores themselves are calling for the survival and revival of regional retail stores, whose decline is being affected by the advance of large stores. Under such circumstances, survival measures for regional retail stores aimed at "construction of regional environment to enable senior people to live spiritually rich lives" and "assistance to home-bound care assistance centers" are now attracting public attention. In this paper, the authors have conducted the following action for obtaining a new method to meet this target. A "customer visit and home delivery" trading method is extracted from the role of regional retail stores in the old-aged society, and a cooperation network based on a rotational duty system is constructed by applying the above role to the needs of senior people, by making best use of fundamental features of Japanese-style management. As a result, a framework that enables the utilization of capacity available for conducting customer visits and home delivery without generating new costs has been constructed.


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こんな論文どうですか? 在宅高齢者のケアを考慮した地域小売店のサービス・ネットワークモデルの提案(松尾 哲子ほか),2002 https://t.co/e0nvXg4HHq

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