丸山 純
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.350, pp.86-94, 1985

J. V. Andreae is known as a priest whose thought played an important role for the construction of the modern educational and the social systems. He described his thought clearly in his utopia "Christianopolis". The relation between the shapes of the ideal city, Christianopolis, and his thought is pointed out in this essay. The essay consists of the following parts : Preface 1. Andreae's life and thought. 2. The relation to the ideal cities in the Italian Renaissance. 3. The relation to the new conception of astronomy. 4. The relation to the images of the "Heavenly Jerusalem". 5. The relation to Andreae's Rosicrucian ideas. Conclusion


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こんな論文どうですか? 理想都市クリスティアノポリスの形態と著者J. V. アンドレアの思想との関係(丸山 純),1985 https://t.co/SN6N7SINBR
こんな論文どうですか? 理想都市クリスティアノポリスの形態と著者J. V. アンドレアの思想との関係(丸山 純),1985 https://t.co/SN6N7SINBR

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