岡野 清
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.425, pp.141-154, 1991

The Jyodoshu sect has begun from the end of of 12th century, but the style of its main hall has not been fixed during the Middle Age. Seeing from the buildings which were built at the end of 16th C. to early 17 th C., we can find that they were built according to residencal style, sometimes only decorated in Naijin (central room). In these buildings the Wakinomas (both side of Naijin) were widdened, as the rooms of believeres with Gejin (the front room). Because Naijin and Ihainoma (back side of Wakinoma) are sacred places, they were separated to other rooms with Kekkai (low screen). We will discuss these characterristics and their origin.


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