村川 三郎 飯尾 昭彦 西田 勝 日野 利夫
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.355, pp.20-31, 1985-09-30

In this study, the river environment was chosen as the subject to consider comfortable water enviornment in region. And we have the aim to clarify the relation between the properties of river environment and people's opinions. This paper which is analysed the evaluation of living environment on the basis of questionnaire executed to the regional dwellers is the first installment of this study. The contents are as follows : 1) The Nagara, the Chikugo and the Shimanto basins were chosen as the subject to the study. We showed the properties of the three rivers and regional indexs of 9 municipalities in the upper, the middle and the lower reaches. 2) We showed the people's opinions in each region with 45 items for each evaluation of components of living environment. 3) Selecting 6 factors by the factor analysis with 45 items, we clarified the trends of evaluation with the average factor scores in each region. 4) Using 5 items for comprehensive evaluation of living environment, we showed the results of the people's opinions in each region. And we analysed the relation between comprehensive and each evaluation, using the Quantity theory cluster II and III. 5) We analysed the relation between comprehensive evaluation of living environment and properties of answerers of questionnaire, using the Quantity theory cluster III. 6) Using the average factor scores and the average scores of comprehensive evaluation in each region, we showed the correlation matrix on the 6 factors and 5 items above mentioned. Furthermore, we showed the relation between the average factor scores and the selected regional indexes.


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こんな論文どうですか? 長良川・筑後川・四万十川流域の特性と居住環境評価の分析 : 住民意識に基づく水環境評価に関する研究 その1(村川三郎ほか),1985 http://id.CiNii.jp/RI1iL

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