村川 三郎 西田 勝 越川 康夫 渡辺 裕之
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.362, pp.44-54, 1986

The purpose of this study is to collect the basic data for planning effective using systems of water resources in region. We research and analyse the people's water uses and opinions in the dwelling houses, which are along the 9 channels in the river basins of the Chigusa, the Maruyama, the Asahi, the Chikugo and the Yabe. We describe the frequencies of water uses in each purpose of using water and the opinions for saving water. We analyse the relation between the character of family and the water uses by the Quantity theory cluster III, and we clarify the difference so that the urban people pay attention to water uses more than the rural people. In three cases using tap, well and channel waters, we analyse the water uses, the opinion of water uses, the evaluation of water quality and the factors of water using pattern. In these analyses, we clarify that the tap waters are lower than the well waters in the evaluations of "Smell", "Temperature" and "Taste", and we describe that the people using well and channel waters have the requirement to keep the presented water use system, and that the degree of the requirement is affected by water quality. Considering the relation between the water quality and the evaluation of water and the relation between the water quality and the water use, we clarify that the relation between water index S (COD, turbidity) and the evaluation of water R makes an approximation with an equation R=kln (S/So), (Now, k and So : constants), and that there are similar relations between these indexes and the ways of water use.


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こんな論文どうですか? 用水路周辺部における住宅の水使用と利用者意識の分析(村川 三郎ほか),1986 https://t.co/OYkwijIDys The purpose of this study is to collect the basi…

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