久保田 忠利
東海大学紀要 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.48-33, 2004

This is a prose translation of Aristophanes' Birds (Ornithes in Greek original title, Aves in Latin) with introduction and notes. Aristophanes is the most famous Athenian comic poet in the 5th century B. C. Birds was produced at the City Dionysia in the spring of 414 B. C. That the play contains rich fantasy is unanimously agreed and highly praised by critics, but the interpretation of the work differs widely. Some scholars find in Birds allegorical comment on the political events in 415 B. C., others see as a creation of egocentric desire to get control over everyone else. This subject will be discussed after the completion of this translation.


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久保田忠利,"アリストパ ネース 『鳥」解題, 翻訳,1" https://t.co/NAInxCduWK

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