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広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.41, no.1, pp.41-90, 2000-09-30

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the characteristic of communication in Hartlib circle, which took a favourable role for the advancement of educational thought in mid-seventeenth century Europe. They dealt with various themes such as ecclesiastical peace, education reform and the exchanges of scientific discoveries by conveying correspondence among the intellectuals of the age. Through their intellectual exchanges, some dozens of educational writings such as John Milton's, John Dury's and William Petty's appeared. Whilst Hartlib circle was influenced by the ideal within the Rosicrucian literature which Frances Yates paid attention, they did not attach themselves to a secret organization but took part in public activities. Confronted with the total disorder of the society, they aimed universal reform covering all the aspects of human things of all people (res humanae). Therefore, Hartlib circle observed a tolerant attitude which accepted the variety of opinions and the mutual independence among the members. This makes them a social basis of the intellectual activities of the age. Through the examination of the Hartlib papers which consist of thousands of letters, drafts and printed matters, it was clarified that they regarded the purpose of their own activities as mutual edification of themselves and others. Originally, the meaning of the word edification was to build a specific space. It also got to mean mental or moral improvement. This symbolically shows that their activities to build an intellectual space themselves had an educational implication. As a social basis of educational thought, Hartlib circle maintained an educational way of communication.


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