相馬 伸一 ソウマ シンイチ Shinichi Sohma
vol.56-1, pp.24-59, 2015-09-30
相馬 伸一 ソウマ シンイチ Shin'ichi Sohma
広島修大論集. 人文編
vol.40, no.1, pp.363-409, 1999-09-30

This paper consists of the translation of two articles from 'Philosophers on Education' edited by Amelie Rorty (London, Routledge, 1998). Based on such an understanding that philosophy is implicitly pedagogical, this book aims to provide a historical description of educational viewpoints among various philosophers. In the former article entitled the Ruling History of Education, Rorty gives a brief historical overview of the history of educational ideas in terms of the history of philosophy. With her aim in mind, various contributors try to depict the educational ideas of philosophers, including relatively unfamiliar figures in the history of education such as Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza and Leibniz. The latter article entitled Descartes, or the Cultivation of the Intellect, which was written by Daniel Garber, tries to understand Descartes' philosophy as educational thought. This attempt might give some suggestion as to how the framework of the hisotorical study on educational thought can be widened.
相馬 伸一
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.41, no.2, pp.177-244, 2001-02-28

The purpose of this thesis is to understand the educational implication of Descartes' philosophy. Due to the fact that Descartes criticized the humanistic education of the Jesuit college where he was educated, the educational aspect of his philosophy has not been enough considered. However, as far as the aim of his philosophy is to rightly guide the mind, it is directly connected with education. In order to understand Descartes' view of education, the interrelation between his texts and his practice has to be considered since he did not leave any specific writings concerning education. Indeed, various episodes within his lifetime such as his relationship with Isaac Beeckman and Bohemian Princess Elizabeth show his view of education. Whilst he took a pessimistic view of the external action of education such as instruction, he emphasized the innermotivated aspect of education such as self-instruction or learning. In his writings and letters, Descartes always stated that the purpose of his philosophical reflection was self-instruction (m'instruire moi-meme). It is not relevant that his self-instruction is often attributed to a sort of conformism. He thought that the learning aspect is much superior to the teaching aspect in education. In the history of education, seventeenth century Europe is regarded as the century of didactics. In this sense, Descartes' view of education is contrary to the historical trend of the age. However, the educational implication of his philosophy should not be overlooked. Through defining man as a subject who understands the world, he secularized the learning theory tradition since the medieval times.
相馬 伸一
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.41, no.1, pp.41-90, 2000-09-30

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the characteristic of communication in Hartlib circle, which took a favourable role for the advancement of educational thought in mid-seventeenth century Europe. They dealt with various themes such as ecclesiastical peace, education reform and the exchanges of scientific discoveries by conveying correspondence among the intellectuals of the age. Through their intellectual exchanges, some dozens of educational writings such as John Milton's, John Dury's and William Petty's appeared. Whilst Hartlib circle was influenced by the ideal within the Rosicrucian literature which Frances Yates paid attention, they did not attach themselves to a secret organization but took part in public activities. Confronted with the total disorder of the society, they aimed universal reform covering all the aspects of human things of all people (res humanae). Therefore, Hartlib circle observed a tolerant attitude which accepted the variety of opinions and the mutual independence among the members. This makes them a social basis of the intellectual activities of the age. Through the examination of the Hartlib papers which consist of thousands of letters, drafts and printed matters, it was clarified that they regarded the purpose of their own activities as mutual edification of themselves and others. Originally, the meaning of the word edification was to build a specific space. It also got to mean mental or moral improvement. This symbolically shows that their activities to build an intellectual space themselves had an educational implication. As a social basis of educational thought, Hartlib circle maintained an educational way of communication.
相馬 伸一
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.40, no.2, pp.179-220, 2000-03-10

The purpose of this thesis is to understand the philosophical characteristic of Comenius' educational thought through the analysis of his response to Descartes. Descartes reached the foundation of human existence ego cogitans, and through the separation of mind and body, he included not only reason but also senses and will within the mind. Thus, Cartesian man is regarded as a subject who understands the world. Comenius surmised the foundation of human existence from three aspects; mental, verbal and real. Whilst he emphasised the role of reason at a mental level, he considered that the verbal and real existence was assured through interpersonal communication and bodily action. For this reason, he understood humanity through the parallel aspect of world and mind. He thought that the certainty of human knowledge was assured under the parallelism between the three books of God (world, mind and the Bible) and human faculties (sense, reason and belief/will). However, Comenian man, who connects with the external world through sense, cannot escape from sensory falsehood. In so far as Comenius main-tained his view, he had to build a specific space where one could relive the ideal meaning of humanity. In order to implement such a space, he tackled educational practice which were crystallised in Orbis pictus and Didactica magna. Comenius might be said to be a precursor of modern educational thought on the grounds that he maintained distinct philosophical ideas both from empiricism and rationalism. This fact might urge us to reconsider the modernistic historical description of educational thought.
貴島 正秋 井ノ口 淳三 太田 光一 相馬 伸一 藤田 輝夫

『日本コメニウス』において貴島が「コメニウスの『汎知学校の輪郭』における理想的な学校構想」藤田が「コメニウスの『汎知学の序曲』の翻訳」,太田が「Acta Comeniana,14-17について」,相馬が「J. A.コメニウス文献のデジタル化について」,藤田が「J. Aコメニウス『青少年』に使用させるために集めた『作法』の『規則』の翻訳」,井ノロが「コメニウスの関係文献目録2002-2005」,Comenius-Jahrbuch(Band9-10)に,相馬が「Kyoiku Sisou to Dekaruto retsugaku」,世界新教育学会に貴島が「ユネスコの礎えを築いたJ. A. Comeniusの精神」「コメニウスと世界平和」,日本教育学会で貴島が「初期コメニウス思想=迷宮からの脱出」,相馬が「ユートピア思想史から見た『地上の迷宮と心の楽園』」,太田が「藤田輝夫のコメニウス研究(1973-2004)」発表,『日本のコメニウス』第15号は2004年9月21日死去した藤田の追悼号にしてメンバーその他関係者が故人を偲んだ。
加藤 守通 井ノ口 淳三 相馬 伸一 大田 光一 下司 裕子

本研究の目的は、コメニウス中期の思想を代表する主著『光の道』に焦点を当て、彼の教育思想の多義的・重層的性格を明らかにすることであった。成果は以下の通りである。(1)教育思想史のみならず科学史における基本文献である『光の道』の本邦初訳を完成した。(2) コメニウスと新プラトン主義およびルネサンス思想との関連を明らかにした.(3)コメニウス教育思想が学校教育を超えた生涯学習論へと展開していく過程を明らかにした。(4)『光の道』啓蒙思想との関連を明らかにした。(5) オランダ、チェコなどでの調査や発表を通じてUwe Voigt教授をはじめとした世界的なコメニウス研究者との連係を確立した。