野村 浩也
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.42, no.1, pp.211-233, 2001-09-28

This paper discusses the danger involved in the declaration by Okinawans themselves that "Okinawans are also aggressors". The question of whether Okinawans are aggressors or not is first and foremost completely irrelevant. The reality lies in the fact that the problem surrounding Japanese aggression is difficult one to budge. Nonetheless, many Japanese have read this declaration as an opportunity to lighten their own sense of responsibility. This is the first danger that I would like to point out. The second danger is that many Japanese read this declaration as one which does not question their own responsibility as aggressors. The logic behind this is, "not only are Japanese aggressors, but so are Okinawans". The reason for this is that the word victim is completely missing, and the fact that Japanese should take responsibility is not even questioned. This is the politics involved in the making of an accomplice. In other words, the allegation that "Okinawans are also aggressors" holds the danger of evoking a political effect which blurs and ignores Japanese responsibility. In this paper, I will analyze the text of one Japanese sociologist to examine this problem.
中西 大輔 ナカニシ ダイスケ Daisuke Nakanishi
広島修大論集. 人文編
vol.44, no.2, pp.193-207, 2004-02-27

This study explored confusion between liking and loving. Rubin (1970) showed that males do not distinguish liking and loving toward their partner in a romantic relationship, while females do. The adaptationist perspective, however, predicts the opposite pattern for males and females who are not yet involved in a romantic relationship. To test the prediction, in this experiment, mutually unknown opposite sex dyads jointly engaged in a problem solving task and then assessed their partner with Rubin's love/like scale. The results indicated that the correlation between liking and loving was higher among females than males. Therefore, the adaptationist prediction was supported. Implications of the present study and possible future research topics are discussed.
狩谷 あゆみ
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.40, no.1, pp.41-62, 1999-09-30

The number of homeless people has been increasing rapidly in Japan under the recent economic depression. Most of them finally come to a big city and choose to stay there, because they can find a black market to supply daily employment to them there. This black market is called "Yoseba" in Japanese and big cities in Japan normally have one. Kobe city, one of the biggest cities in Japan, suffered the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. Those who lost their residences pitched camp in school yards and parks. However, homeless people could not join them easily, because they had not belonged to local communities before the earthquake. In 1995, a non-government organization was founded to support homeless people in Kobe. They negotiated with the administration of Kobe city several times until now. In this paper, I take a look at scenes of these negotiations carefully and make clear what kind of social problem is raised by the negotiations. It should be doubted that reality of homeles people which must be most important is taken into account by both sides of the negotiation.
森川 潤
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.40, no.1, pp.I-XXIX, 1999-09-30

Aus Anlaβ des Erlasses der konstitutionellen Regierungsform vom Jahre 1875 zeigt sich einige Vorzeichen der 'Neigung zum Deutschland'. Nachstes Jahr Fordert der Auβenministerium, einen Rechtsberater aus Deutschland zu berufen. Im Jahre 1880 vorschlagt der Staatsrat Kaoru Inouye Kowashi Inouye, die Untersuchungsreise nach Deutschland zu machen. Die Aufgabe dieser Studie ist aufzuklaren, wie die 'Neigung zum Deutschland' im Prozeβ zum Staatsstreich vom Jahre 1881 Fortschritte macht. Dabei kann man nicht das Wesen des Kowashi Inouyes ubersehen, der seit seinem Besuch in Deutschland vom Jahre 1872 beabsichtigt, den Rechtsgrundsatz der vom preuβischen Konig autorisierten Verfassung nach Japan zu verpflanzen.
今田 純雄 鈴木 千尋
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.40, no.2, pp.285-302, 2000-03-10

People differ widely in their reasons for drinking. This article reports on the development of a six-factor measure that assesses four enhancement and two suppression motives for alcohol drinking in adult male drinkers. Apart from the three traditionally accepted motives-social, coping and enhancement-sensory/cognitive pleasures were evaluated as further motives for the use of alcohol. Also, two distinctly different motives were shown to explain the suppression of the wish to drink. Comparison of undergraduate students with male adults showed different patterns of the motivational bases of alcohol use across two groups. Young people tend to drink for social and enhancement motives, although male adults use alcohol to cope with negative emotion and to gain sensory/cognitive pleasure. Data gained from female students suggests the sex difference as the causative factor in their suppression of drinking, when compared with males. These findings indicate the importance of taking into account these different motives to explain drinking behavior in natural settings.
森川 潤
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.40, no.2, pp.I-XXXVI, 2000-03-10

Im Marz 1881 reicht der Staatsrat Shigenobu Ohkuma einen Entwurfu uber die Begrundung des Parlaments dem Minister Sanetomi Sanjo ein. Der Entwurf fordert die Begrundung des Parlaments bis 1883 und die Einfuhrung des englischen Kabinettswesens fordert. Aus Anlaβ dieses radikalen Entwurf wird die Dajokan-Regierung erzwungen, das Kabinett entweder auf englische oder preussische Art zu wahlen. Durch den Coup d'Etat des Oktobers wird die sogenannte Ohkuma-Gruppe aus der Dajokan-Regierung ausgerottet. Dahinter manovriert ein Taktiker Kowashi Inouye, der die Einfuhrung des preussischen Konstitutionalismus behauptet. Im Prozeβ zum Coup d'Etat des Jahres 1881 fangt die Reform der Universitat Tokio an, und der Verein fur deutschen Wissenschaften wird gegruendet. Die Aufgabe dieses Aufsatzes ist, die politische Absicht dieser Bewegung aufzuklaren.
川邊 浩史 柿木 昇治
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-17, 1998-09-30

本研究では,α波バイオフィードバックと音楽の趣向について3つの実験を行った。第1実験では,α波のピーク周波数を測定した。音楽を聴いている状態でピーク周波数が高くなる傾向が見られたが,個人差が大きいために全体の傾向を把握するのは困難であった。第2実験では5秒間累積積分法を用いたα波バイオフィードバック訓練を行った。ここでは「好きな音楽」が呈示されたときのα波振幅は「嫌いな音楽」,「無音」よりも有意に増加した。しかし,全体的に見るとフィードバック訓練の効果は現れていなかった。これは次々と変わる音響条件が被験者の実験への集中力に何らかの影響を与え,結果としてα波阻止が生じたためと思われる。第3実験では「好きな曲」,「嫌いな曲」を事前に調査することで,被験者の音楽への態度を明確にし,第2実験と同様に5秒間累積積分法を用いてα波バイオフィードバック訓練を行った。条件間では開眼安静期2 (フィードバック訓練後の安静期)でのみしか有意差は認められなかったものの試行間でのフィードバック訓練の効果が認められた。また,一貫して「好きな曲」条件におけるα波振幅が他の条件よりも上回っていた。この結果より,α波の増強・リラクセーションの促進には,音楽の好み,つまり音楽に対する態度が重要な要因になることが明らかになった。
池田 昌恵 中根 光敏
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-20, 2006-09-30
熊谷 次紘
広島修大論集. 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.48, no.2, pp.147-171, 2008-02-28