石川 徹
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.123, pp.27-38, 2005

In this paper, we examine Thomas Reid's concept of "will". His concept of "will" is very important because it plays a crucial role both in his theory of causation and in his theory of morals. In the prolonged controversy about free will, Reid shows some sympathy with Locke's position. It may be awkward because Locke denies free will and the liberty of indifference. We think, however, that this means he thinks it is important to examine many aspects about the faculty of will as they are, it shows neither his inconsistency nor misunderstanding. Then we will follow the points Reid observed, and find he thinks the faculty of will is the faculty of choice and for this reason he avoids a difficulty in the concept of free will. Finally we will discuss about some modes of the volition and observe Reid's treatment of them contributes to extend the concept of voluntary action and it may influence his theory of morals.


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