室伏 重信 斉藤 昌久 湯浅 景元
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.23, no.1, pp.38-43, 1982-04-01

The speed, height and angle at which the hammer was released were measured and phasic analysis was performed in this study. Two hammer throwers were selected as subjects. One of them (Subject Mur) had the Japan national record, 71.72 m, in 1981. In this experiment, the records were 70.84 and 52.82 m for subjects Mur and Hos, respectively. Higher values for speed and angle of release were observed in subject Mur. The height of hammer head at release, however, was lower in subject Mur. Duration of delivery phase was longer in this subject. Angular velocity of hammer head was higher in the one foot supporting phase than in two feet supporting phase in higher subject. On the contrary, angular velocity of left wrist was higher in two feet supporting phase in this subject. In subject Hos, however, no significant differences of both angular velocities of hammer head and left wrist were obtained in between one foot and two feet supporting phases.


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こんな論文どうですか? ハンマー投げのバイオメカニクス的研究 : 投射時におけるハンマー頭部の初速度・投射角・投射高が飛距離に及ぼす影響(室伏 重信ほか),1982 http://t.co/Tqe5VqGz

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