川西 正志 山本 秀人 井上 倫明 前川 峯雄
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-18, 1979-08-31

本研究を通して, 次のような地域スポーツクラブの集団特性が明らかになった。1. クラブ規模 昭和40年代以後に設立され, 存続年数も10年未満で, 男性型が約半数, そして, 10〜30人未満で構成された小人数型クラブが多かった。2. クラブ加入制限 クラブの会員となるための実際的な加入資格については, 年齢別条件や性別条件など, 何らかの資格制限を約8割のクラブが持っている。3. クラブ財政 クラブ財政を確立するため, どのクラブも原則として個人会費を徴収しているが, 約4割弱のクラブについては, 会費に加えて, 補助金をもってクラブを運営している。4. クラブ活動内容 自発的な創設動機をもって設立され, 活動目的は, 「健康・体力を高める」, 「親睦を深める」などが多かった。また, 単一種目型の, 競技レベルは, 市町村内程度であった。日常のクラブ参加率も, 全クラブ員に対して60%以上あるところが多く, 練習は, 週あたり1〜2回程度であった。そして, クラブ規約については, 成文化されたものをもつクラブは, 約2割しかなく, その他は, 口約束程度であったり, 全くきまりごとすらない状態であった。5. クラブ施設 クラブ練習施設は, その7割が公的な施設を利用している。しかしながら, その施設確保は必ずしも完全には, 保証されていないようであった。6. クラブ指導者 クラブ指導者を有するクラブは, 45%ぐらいしかなく, 指導者のいるクラブについては, 1クラブあたり平均2.4人で, その主な指導者については, 「技術面だけ」, 「技術・管理両面」の指導内容を持ち, クラブのOB・OGがそのまま指導者として残るケースが多く, そのほとんどが無給指導者であった。
室伏 重信 斉藤 昌久 湯浅 景元
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.23, no.1, pp.38-43, 1982-04-01

The speed, height and angle at which the hammer was released were measured and phasic analysis was performed in this study. Two hammer throwers were selected as subjects. One of them (Subject Mur) had the Japan national record, 71.72 m, in 1981. In this experiment, the records were 70.84 and 52.82 m for subjects Mur and Hos, respectively. Higher values for speed and angle of release were observed in subject Mur. The height of hammer head at release, however, was lower in subject Mur. Duration of delivery phase was longer in this subject. Angular velocity of hammer head was higher in the one foot supporting phase than in two feet supporting phase in higher subject. On the contrary, angular velocity of left wrist was higher in two feet supporting phase in this subject. In subject Hos, however, no significant differences of both angular velocities of hammer head and left wrist were obtained in between one foot and two feet supporting phases.
藤原 健固 Kengo FUJIWARA
中京体育学研究 = Research journal of physical education, Chukyo University (ISSN:02870088)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-11, 1980-03-01

The main purpose of this study was to clear the determinants of collective behavior in selected sport events in Japan. For this purpose, the present author refered to N. J. Smelser's the value-added theory with relation to collective behavior in sport events. That is to say, the determinants suggested by N. J. Smelser as those giving rise to collective behavior are : (1) structural conduciviness, (2) structural strain, (3) growth and spread of generalized belief and precipitating factors, (4) mobilization of participants for action, and (5) the operation of social control. As the result of investigated these factors in selected sport events for last 30 years, the following pertinent findings were shown. (1) structural conduciveness The collective behavior in sport events occures by the hostile feelings in directly, but the author points out that there are some structural conduciveness as a social conditions. For example, one good evidence is the discriminative feeling between the people of Okinawa under American rule and main land Japan. In 1968, many Okinawa's baseball fans showed this structural conduciveness at the stadium. (2) structural strain The second determinant for the appearance of an episode of collective behavior in sport events is some structural strains which comes out of natural conditions, the situations of game itself, and sport participant without player. (3) growth and spread of generalized belief and precipitating factors The third determinant is to wake up sport fan's generalized aggressive spirit and to give it a justifiable grounds. A sport fan as a member of society has various aggressive aspirations, and he waits to flow into a variety of forms of hostility such as griping, insult, discrimination, or in extreme cases violence. The precipitating factor may confirm or justify existing generalized belief, and throw a sport fan's aggressive spirit into the concreat fear and opposition. And, it comes out of : (a) player's mixed fight, bad feeling between player and fan, opposition between player and referee, lack of confidence between fan and police ; (b) fire, blackout, deficiency of game place ; and (c) reprisal against the failed game, exciting, filibustering play, lazy play, and so forth. (4) mobilization of participants for action The last stage of value-added process for collective behavior in sport events is mobilization of participant for action. First, leader-ship for mobilization is few in the beginning, but some cases showed it in the progress. Most leaders recognize as the result of intended behavior. Second, organization, is also few. This is because of fan is usually unorganized group. Therefore, most cases showed that sport fan in its entirely does not participated actively. Even it is one in generalized belief, they are divided into a small active nucleus and a large proportion of spectators. (5) operation of social control The determination of outbreak and scale of collective behavior in sport events, is governed by the operation of social control as a public agent. Whenever it hesitates the decision-making for stop it, collective behavior becomes growing it's energy. As above mentioned, the determinants of collective behavior as a hostile outburst in sport events has four, and the author pointed out that once they are established, sport fans are ready to be take into a hostile outburst.
竹内 外夫 長谷川 優
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.19, no.1, pp.51-55, 1979-02-01

昭和45年5月から昭和49年6月までにおこなわれた学生団体試合 (判定の基準は技有以上) 467試合をもとにオーダー別に, 勝敗の内容, 段, 身長, 体重, ローレル指数と勝敗との関係について検討した結果を要約すると以下のようである。1 団体戦において, 勝敗の決する割合は中堅が最も多く, 次いで副将, 大将である。2 一本勝ちの内容は, 足技, 抑込技, 手技の順で勝敗の決する割合が多いが, 先鋒においては, 手技で勝敗の決する割合が多い傾向である。3 段・身長・体重・ローレル指数の先鋒から大将までの勝者, 敗者, 引分者の平均は, 段では先鋒から大将までほぼ同等であり, 身長, 体重, ローレル指数では, 先鋒から大将に行くにしたがって大きくなる傾向である。
佐々木 等
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.21, no.1, 1981-03-01