田村 雄志 湯浅 景元 石村 和博 磨井 祥夫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.47-57, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that pole vaulters regulate their stride length during the approach run, and to determine the effects of differently regulated gait patterns on take-off velocity and performance. The approach runs and take-off movements of ten male pole vaulters were analyzed.   It was revealed that each pole vaulter regulated his gait pattern in the approach run in order to adjust for the distance to the toe-box at take-off, in a similar way to the technique used by long jumpers and triple jumpers. The standard deviation of the distance to the toe-box at take-off and the length of each step in the approach run showed no significant difference between high- and low-performance-level vaulters. However, vaulters with a higher personal best started to adjust their stride length earlier than vaulters with a lower personal best, and had finished most of their run-up adjustment by the second to last stride. To clarify the effect of run-up adjustment on the velocity in the take-off phase, the subjects were classified into three groups according to the timing of their adjustment: Early, Medium, and Adjacent. It was found that the take-off velocity of Early Adjusters tended to be higher than in the other groups, and that Adjacent Adjusters had the lowest velocity.   The present findings suggest that in order to perform well in the pole vault, it is important for the vaulter to regulate his stride length in the approach run, rather than performing a stereotyped run-up. In addition, regulation of stride in the first half of the approach run and avoidance of stride regulation immediately before take-off seem to be more effective for achieving better performance.
湯浅 景元 福永 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.36-41, 1987-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

全身にわたる皮下脂肪厚を測定し, その分布パターンを明らかにした研究は今のところみられていない.本研究では, 2名の成人男子を対象にして, 超音波診断装置 (Bモードlinearタイプ) を用いてほぼ全身の皮下脂肪厚を測定し, その分布パターンを明らかにすることにした.本研究によって得られた結果は次のようであった.1) 体幹で皮下脂肪が厚い箇所は, 臍を中心とした腹部中央と側腹から腰部外側にかけての部分であった.2) 体幹で皮下脂肪が薄い箇所は, 胸部上方の部分であった.3) 体肢では大腿や上腕のように中枢に近いところにある体節で, かつ中枢に近づくほど皮下脂肪は厚かった.4) 以上のことから, 体幹では皮下脂肪厚が幅広く分布しているのに対して, 体肢ではほぼ均一に分布する傾向のみられることが示唆できた.
鵜飼 圭子 湯浅 景元 Keiko UKAI Kagemoto YUASA 中京大学大学院 中京大学
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.44, no.1, pp.53-60, 2002-11-08

In this syudy, we investigated which kind of muscles were activated during the boxing punch. Muscular activities were obtained from the upper and lower limbs. The instrument used in this research was a portable EMG. The muscular activity of the lower limbs was higher than that of upper limbs. Moreover, the muscular activity in punching against the mitt was higher than in shadowboxing.
鈴木 久貴 湯浅 景元 Hisataka SUZUKI Kagemoto YUASA
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.44, no.1, pp.41-46, 2002-11-08

This study investigated pitching motion reproducibility in baseball using two pitchers as subjects, a graduate student and a person on the university ball team. Both were asked to actually throw, and a photograph was taken with a high-speed camera. Analysis was done using 2-dimensional picture. The results revealed that the coefficient of variation of the arm motion [two subjects] increased among the seven items measures. From this, it is thought that the arm motion before release (forearm, upper arm, and elbow) is related to ball control.
湯浅 景元 後藤 佐都美
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.46-52, 1993-02-01

Twenty-eight skinfold measurements taken from 223 Japanese females, ranging in age from 16 to 26 years, were analyzed to study the anatomical distribution and total mass of subcutaneous fat on the trunk and limbs. The measured thicknesses of subcutaneous fat varied on average from 5.8 to 22.7 mm. The thicker skinfolds were obtained from the abdomen, waist, and thigh. The calculated total mass of subcutaneous fat on the trunk and limbs was 13.7±3.78kg, corresponding to 23.3±3.87% of total body weight. The slopes of the regression lines between the total mass of subcutaneous fat and skinfolds ranged from 0.22 to 2.19. The slopes obtained for the abdomen, greater trochanter and thigh were steeper than those for other regions. It is suggested that the Japanese females have greater skinfolds at the abdomen, waist and thigh than at other regions, and that differences exist among various regions in subcutaneous fat accumulation.
湯浅 景元 福永 哲夫
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.36-41, 1987-02-01

全身にわたる皮下脂肪厚を測定し、その分布パターンを明らかにした研究は今のところみられていない. 本研究では,2名の成人男子を対象にして,超音波診断装置(Bモードlinearタイプ)を用いてほぼ全身の皮下脂肪厚を測定し,その分布パターンを明らかにすることにした. 本研究によって得られた結果は次のようであった. 1) 体幹で皮下脂肪が厚い箇所は,臍を中心とした腹部中央と側腹から腰部外側にかけての部分であった. 2) 体幹で皮下脂肪が薄い箇所は,胸部上方の部分であった. 3) 体肢では大腿や上腕のように中枢に近いところにある体節で,かつ中枢に近づくほど皮下脂肪は厚かった. 4)以上のことから,体幹では皮下脂肪厚が幅広く分布しているのに対して,体肢ではほぼ均一に分布する傾向のみられることが示唆できた.
室伏 重信 斉藤 昌久 湯浅 景元
中京体育学研究 (ISSN:02870088)
vol.23, no.1, pp.38-43, 1982-04-01

The speed, height and angle at which the hammer was released were measured and phasic analysis was performed in this study. Two hammer throwers were selected as subjects. One of them (Subject Mur) had the Japan national record, 71.72 m, in 1981. In this experiment, the records were 70.84 and 52.82 m for subjects Mur and Hos, respectively. Higher values for speed and angle of release were observed in subject Mur. The height of hammer head at release, however, was lower in subject Mur. Duration of delivery phase was longer in this subject. Angular velocity of hammer head was higher in the one foot supporting phase than in two feet supporting phase in higher subject. On the contrary, angular velocity of left wrist was higher in two feet supporting phase in this subject. In subject Hos, however, no significant differences of both angular velocities of hammer head and left wrist were obtained in between one foot and two feet supporting phases.
高木 斗希夫 湯浅 景元 Tokio TAKAGI Kagemoto YUASA
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.44, no.1, pp.47-51, 2002-11-08

野球のバッティングにおける腰の回転と下肢の長軸回りの回転の様子を明らかにするため、鉛直上方より右打者において打撃動作中の腰角度および長軸回りの右脚角度を求めた。また、独自の器具を打者の右腰および右膝に装着させ、打撃動作に伴う腰の動きと右脚の動きの関連性について調べた。その結果、以下の結果が得られた。1) バットのヘッドスピードの速い打者はスイング前半から腰の回転が右脚の内旋よりも先行して行われていた。また、L (右側腸骨外側延長点から右膝外側延長線まで延ばした垂線の距離) の値は打撃動作に伴い減少し、打撃動作の比較的早い段階で0に達していた。2) バットのヘッドスピードの遅い打者はスイング前半から腰の回転に比べ右脚の内旋が先行して行われていた。また、Lの値は-192msecから増加傾向を示し、インパクト直前で0に達していた。