大野 隆造 近藤 美紀
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.461, pp.123-129, 1994
10 5

The Japanese circuit-style gardens have long been appreciated for their sequential scenes of beautiful landscapes. The aesthetic experience, however, has rarely been analyzed in a scientific manner. The present study attempts to analyze the sequential experience by measuring sensory stimulus information from the environment. A set of personal computer programs was developed and applied to the environmental data of three famous circuit-style gardens in order to measure the following three aspects of sensory stimulus information: (l) ambient visual information; (2) focal visual information; and (3) such non-visual information as tactile and kinesthetic information. In this paper, part 1 of the study, the profile of each aspect was obtained by assessing consecutive points every 0.5m (one step of a pedestrian) apart along the garden path. In the future study, changes in the profiles of sensory stimulus information can be used to examine the sequential experience as people moved through the garden.


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こんな論文どうですか? 感覚刺激情報源としての環境の記述 : 廻遊式庭園のシークエンスに関する研究(その1)(大野 隆造ほか),1994 http://t.co/OdRQy3k0GL

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