西郷 正浩 両角 光男 位寄 和久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.62, no.499, pp.237-243, 1997
8 7

The aim of this paper is to propose a description model for 3-D CAD system and some of utilities required to make the system an attractive tool of schematic design studies. This paper analyzes relationship of design thinkings and the way of visual representations as well as the trend of their transition, reviewing 845 visual representations of sketches and model photos produced in different stages of 20 projects by 15 designers. Showing that it is a common procedure for designers to use visualizing elements of three major types and that seven subtypes, as their design advances from a vague and abstract design stage to a concrete design stage, the authors proposed a description model for 3-D CAD system : A) Reference Element (A-1 Reference Line, A-2 Reference Sign) B) Space Element (B-1 Space Node, B-2 Space Slime, B-3 Space Block) C) Building Element (C-1 Fundamental Object, C-2 Custom Object) They also pointed out that a description models of the STEP or the IFC, that have been developed to describe designed building (product model,) should introduce several sub-types the authors have proposed to support schematic design development process, and that a CAD system should allow designers to develop their designs manipulating both Space Elements and Building Elements reciprocally.


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こんな論文どうですか? 3次元企画設計ツールのための空間記述モデルに関する研究(西郷正浩ほか),1997 http://id.CiNii.jp/Tg5wL

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