岡田 義治 初田 亨
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.514, pp.233-240, 1998
1 1

T.MATSUGASAKI, an architect, had studied in Germany for 12 years in the beginning of Meiji Era. Meanwhile, he had learned the theory of the architecture and practical technique. After returning home, he played an important role as an establish member of the architectural institute of JAPAN as well as engaged in the construction of the government office town. After that, he designed the structures in German style here in Japan and Taiwan. This study is on the career and the works of TSUMUNAGA MATSUGASAKI, from the beginning as an architect to the times as a public servant. In the study, special consideration was given to "Nasu villa of SHUZOU AOKI", which is only one existing building he designed.


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こんな論文どうですか? 建築家 松ヶ崎萬長の初期の経歴と青木周蔵那須別邸 : 松ヶ崎萬長の経歴と作品(そのI)(岡田 義治ほか),1998 http://t.co/8RqxZe0itV

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