山田 巌
九州大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:13482319)
vol.3, pp.47-50, 2004-02-20

The purpose of this study is to examine growth and formation of capsule of bacterial culture by Rice Bran. As the result , the following findings were obtained. 1) The growth by Rice Bran agar was confirmed in after cultivation of 48-72 hours, but isolated colony formation was difficult. 2) The growth by Rice Bran broth could be confirmed after the cultivation of 24 hours on all bacterial culture. 3) The formation of cupsule by Rice Bran broth could be confirmed in E. coli, K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca. 4) As for K. pneumoniae, formation of capsule by blood broth was confirmed in both blood broths. E. coli, K. oxytoca were confirmed in human blood broth. In addition, a capsule of K. pneumoniae was thicker in Rice Bran broth than in blood broth.


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九州大学医学部保健学科検査技術科学専攻 山田巌氏が検討した米ぬか培地の論文。プレビューをクリックして下さい。 http://t.co/5i6zIp3D http://t.co/33N3mZBB http://t.co/XWV7jOnR
米のとぎ汁乳酸菌“米糠発酵物 - Wikipedia” http://t.co/5yXLy5ID に出てくる九州大学医学部保健学科紀要の元論文です。 http://t.co/pixceN80 プレビューをクリックして下さい。米ぬか液体培地での病原菌の発育増殖性を検討しています。

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