柴田 崇
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.279-286, 2003

This paper attempts to demonstrate the uniqueness of David Katz's theory in general and of his theory of ""medium"" in particular. When we explore the environment with our hand we can immediately feel objects in the environment. What is intriguing is that the same seems to hold true when we explore the environment with a rod in our hand. The tip of the tool, in other words, seems to be capable of direct perception and the tool as a whole seems to become ""transparent"" when it is in use. It will be argued that a phenomenon like this can be understood as the Cartesian ""dogma"" if we read Katz's ""The World of Touch"" in the light of James J. G ibson's theory of tools.


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●柴田崇「D・カッツ-そのメディウム論の特異性-J・J・ギブソンの道具論との比較研究」『東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』43、 2003年。https://t.co/Ho0n8JkVQg ●同前「坂本賢三研究序説: "extension"の分節から(上)」『北海学園大学人文論集』56、2014年3月。https://t.co/Li5GpodXyx

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